Latest Reunion Roadmap Podcasts
Reunion Roadmap 9/24/2022 – Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz and The Master of Return, part 2
This nexus of history is remarkable for many reasons. One of the most remarkable aspects is what seems to be an expanding willingness of Jews
Reunion Roadmap 9/17/2022 – Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz and The Master of Return, part 1
Do you know that stereotypical nice, successful boy that Jewish mothers want their daughters to marry? Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz doesn’t fit that stereotype. In his
Reunion Roadmap 8/27/2022 – Shaping A Pastor’s Heart: Dr. David Jones, part 3
What brings the greatest joy to a pastor’s heart? Dr. David Jones shares that with us in this conclusion to our conversation. After three decades of
Reunion Roadmap 8/20/2022 – Shaping A Pastor’s Heart: Dr. David Jones, part 2
How greatly do we honor the pioneers of our faith? That’s the point of Hebrews 11, the “Hall of Faith” chapter that honors the righteous
Reunion Roadmap 8/13/2022 – Shaping A Pastor’s Heart: Dr. David Jones, part 1
What would it take to motivate you to move a thousand miles away from your family and friends? Maybe a promising new job? What about
Reunion Roadmap 7/16/2022 – The Missing Manna Moment: Barry Miller, part 3
Why are we surprised when catastrophic events change the order of things in the world? Probably because we have detached ourselves from the past. Even
Reunion Roadmap 7/09/2022 – The Missing Manna Moment: Barry Miller, part 2
Have you ever gone to look for something that has reliably been there, but this time it’s not? That’s what happened to Israel in the
Reunion Roadmap 7/02/2022 – The Missing Manna Moment: Barry Miller, part 1
Are we living in unprecedented times? It may seem that way, and perhaps the difficult economic, political, social, and spiritual circumstances are unprecedented in some
Reunion Roadmap 6/25/2022 – Learning to Be A Kingdom Kid: Kennedy Rios & Susie Boyle, part 2
Everyone is a statistic. It would be best if we were all “good” statistics, meaning law-abiding, God-fearing citizens contributing to their families and communities in
Reunion Roadmap 6/18/2022 – Learning to Be A Kingdom Kid: Kennedy Rios & Susie Boyle, part 1
Did you ever wonder how many children in your neighborhood might be in need of help? There are probably quite a few, signaling their needs
Reunion Roadmap 5/28/2022 – A Good Report from the Promised Land: Barbara Foerster, part 2
How should we pray for Israel? Given the constant turmoil in the Holy Land, what should be the focus of our intercession? That’s a question
Reunion Roadmap 5/21/2022 – A Good Report from the Promised Land: Barbara Foerster, part 1
When was the last time you visited Israel?. What? You’ve never been to the Promised Land? Well, then, maybe you need some incentive to go!
Reunion Roadmap 4/30/2022 – In the Business of Gathering: Jeff Apthorp, part 3
A good way to bring people together is to emphasize things they share (especially if it’s a common identity). That way, offenses can be minimized
Reunion Roadmap 4/23/2022 – In the Business of Gathering: Jeff Apthorp, part 2
When Jeff Apthorp began to examine what the scripture says about the importance of God’s Torah, one theme kept coming to his attention: the pervasive
Reunion Roadmap 4/16/2022 – In the Business of Gathering: Jeff Apthorp, part 1
Jeff Apthorp has been in the business of gathering people since his teenage years. That’s what brought him into a career in Christian radio, where
Reunion Roadmap 3/19/2022 – Guardian of Our Future: Susie Boyle, part 2
What are the odds a child in the foster system will ever go to college? Susie Boyle gives that and many more answers to questions
Reunion Roadmap 3/12/2022 – Guardian of Our Future: Susie Boyle, part 1
Do you know there are ways to help foster children without being a foster parent? This often comes as a surprise when people first hear
Reunion Roadmap 2/19/2022 – Pursued to Redemption: Mark Randall’s Story, part 6
We still have a lot to learn about living in community as our Creator intended. Our neighbors often don’t think, look, act, or believe in
Reunion Roadmap 2/12/2022 – Pursued to Redemption: Mark Randall’s Story, part 5
What would you do if, at age 50, just as your life is settling into something normal and comfortable, you get the opportunity to go
Reunion Roadmap 2/05/2022 – Pursued to Redemption: Mark Randall’s Story, part 4
When Yeshua said He was sent to seek and to save the lost, was He referring only to the “unsaved”? What about those who have
Reunion Roadmap 1/29/2022 – Pursued to Redemption: Mark Randall’s Story, part 3
So we get saved, and then life turns out much better, right? All our problems get solved, there’s no more conflict and trouble, and we
Reunion Roadmap 1/22/2022 – Pursued to Redemption: Mark Randall’s Story, part 2
How does God reach those who have never heard the message of salvation in Messiah Yeshua, or who have no interest in hearing it? If
Reunion Roadmap 1/15/2022 – Pursued to Redemption: Mark Randall’s Story, part 1
In a sense, we are all caught in a spiritual prison. Our hearts are incorrigible, and thus our Creator has turned us over to the
Reunion Roadmap 1/1/2022 – Pronomian Christianity with Josh Ensley
We’ve heard Josh Ensley explain how his journey of faith in Jesus Christ led him simultaneously to a Baptist seminary and to a Torah fellowship,
Reunion Roadmap 12/25/2021 – Pronomian Christianity with Josh Ensley
Is there any reason Torah-honoring followers of Messiah Yeshua should pay hold on to anything carried over from Latin, the language of Rome? The Protestant
Reunion Roadmap 12/18/2021 – Pronomian Christianity with Josh Ensley
How long has the Torah Awakening among Christians been happening? At least a generation! It has accelerated in the past 20 years, and now a
Reunion Roadmap 11/27/2021 – Exploring Stilled Spirits with Hayley Chase
How many people walk away from our congregations and fellowships because they don’t feel welcome? Probably more than we are comfortable admitting. It’s not that
Reunion Roadmap 11/20/2021 – Exploring Stilled Spirits with Hayley Chase
Do we have room in the Body of Messiah for people who sorrow and hurt? We say we do, but what do we learn when
Reunion Roadmap 11/13/2021 – Exploring Stilled Spirits with Hayley Chase
What’s the connection between a mental disorder and a chronic illness? It’s a much closer connection than you may think. For one thing, both are
Reunion Roadmap 10/23/2021 – with Special Guest Samuel Wearp
What is a greater act of faith – interacting only with those who agree with us at every point, or stepping out of our comfort