Rebuild Season 5 (2024)

In His Hands
We sing about God having the whole world in His hands. What exactly does that mean? And how does it effect how we live each

Moral Agents in a Broken World
Are we created to enjoy easy lives, or does God expect us to follow His example in bringing order out of chaos? If that’s what

Constructive Sibling Rivalry
When it comes to life in God’s Kingdom, are we more concerned about who is in and who is out, or how to live when

Customized Pigsties
How exclusive is God’s family? Does He limit membership only to people of proper pedigree, or does He impart that pedigree to anyone who seeks

Agents of Righteous Change
Which is easier: to believe that God does miracles, or to believe that God does miracles through us? Deuteronomy 16:18-21:9; Isaiah 51:12-53:12; 1 Kings 3:16-28;

The Best Things in Life
We have God’s assurances that He gives us eternal life, but how does that pay the bills in this present life? Maybe the answer to

Aspiring Martyrs
How do we want to be remembered? If we’d like to be remembered by how we lived for God, then maybe we should ponder what

Reason to Trust and Obey
Do we really believe God is trustworthy? If so, why don’t we do as He says? And how exactly are we to know what He

More Certain than Death and Taxes
Government happens. That’s not a complaint; it’s a simple statement of fact. God instituted government when He created order in His universe. We know how

Come Heal Your Land
We all want healing and restoration to our nations, so what happens if God doesn’t answer our prayers as we expect and our lands remain

The God of Boundaries
Everyone gets triggered when other people cross their personal boundaries. When that happens, the results can be unpleasant, and sometimes lead to unintended consequences. If

Finding the Narrow Path
Yeshua told us about the narrow gate and difficult way that leads to life. Does He mean that it’s hard to find the way into

Fighting Against God
Who comes to mind when we think about those who oppose the will of God? Everyone has a list of the usual suspects: atheists, satanists,

Shaky Ground
We all chafe under what we perceive as overbearing leaders. Sometimes they really are overbearing, but sometimes it’s simply our resentment of and resistance against

Grasshoppers in Context
The Bible tells us that we are more valuable than many sparrows. By that measure, we must be even more valuable than grasshoppers. So what

How to Handle Disagreeable People
Why do people whine and complain and play the victim even when circumstances seem good? To answer that question, we had best start by examining

Our Place in the Camp
Did God redeem us so we could do as we please for all eternity, or does He have a greater purpose for us? Assuming He

Understanding Paul
Do we think of Paul as a Christian theologian, or a Jewish Torah scholar? The answer to that question reveals the way we read –

Let’s Make A Deal
All the real estate transactions recorded in the Bible emphasize that God awarded the land of Israel to the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

A Lesson In Resurrection
Holiness is a matter of life and death. That can be a difficult concept to understand if we don’t know what holiness is. Let’s start

One Heart At A Time
We Christians don’t think much about the Torah. If we’ve even heard the word, we probably think of it as the old Law of Moses

DIY Redemption?
God is the Creator and Redeemer of humanity. That’s what we read in the Bible and sing about in worship services, but what do we

The Cure for Death
We all want to live forever – or do we? Maybe what we really want is relief from the suffering of this life. That’s what

What Is A Woman?
Everyone should know what a woman is, just like everyone should know what a man is. When asked, though, could we provide a concise definition?

When the Show Must Go On
Life doesn’t stop when bad things happen. Sometimes it’s better not to ask why, but instead try to help each other get through the hard

Holy Trash Cans
We talk a lot about the “signs of the times” so we can be ready for Messiah’s return. That’s a good thing, but shouldn’t we

Adjusting to the Rule Change
Change happens whether we like it or not. It’s always good to ask God about the changes that we experience, whether in our personal lives,

When We Take Off Our Armor
If God declares the end from the beginning, then we should have a good idea what to expect before the end of this age if

Saints in the Hands of an Angry God
It’s easy to think about the wrath of God being poured out on unrepentant sinners, but what does God do about unrepentant saints? Exodus 35:1-38:20;

Off the Bus
If life is a journey, do we know where we’re going? Is there anything that would disqualify us from the journey? If so, can anything