Latest Reunion Roadmap Podcasts

Reunion Roadmap 11/27/2021 – Exploring Stilled Spirits with Hayley Chase
How many people walk away from our congregations and fellowships because they don’t feel welcome? Probably more than we are comfortable admitting. It’s not that

Reunion Roadmap 11/20/2021 – Exploring Stilled Spirits with Hayley Chase
Do we have room in the Body of Messiah for people who sorrow and hurt? We say we do, but what do we learn when

Reunion Roadmap 11/13/2021 – Exploring Stilled Spirits with Hayley Chase
What’s the connection between a mental disorder and a chronic illness? It’s a much closer connection than you may think. For one thing, both are

Reunion Roadmap 10/23/2021 – with Special Guest Samuel Wearp
What is a greater act of faith – interacting only with those who agree with us at every point, or stepping out of our comfort

Reunion Roadmap 10/16/2021 – with Special Guest Samuel Wearp
What could the church gain from connecting with the Jewish people in a positive way? What has the church lost over the centuries by not

Reunion Roadmap 10/09/2021 – with Special Guest Samuel Wearp
Samuel Wearp has worked his entire life to connect the two parts of God’s covenant family. That’s not a long time in years, but an

Reunion Roadmap 8/21/2021 – highlighting The Ebenezer Home
Stepping out in faith applies at all stages of life. This is something we learn from David Phillips and Samantha LaGoy as they relate the

Reunion Roadmap 8/14/2021 – highlighting The Ebenezer Home
How do we carry out God’s command to honor our parents when they reach their elder years? David Phillips and Samantha LaGoy share how that

Reunion Roadmap 7/24/2021 – with Special Guest Rut Banks
The scripture says the Kingdom of our Messiah will be populated by people redeemed from every tribe and tongue and nation (Revelation 5:9, 7:9). What

Reunion Roadmap 7/10/2021 – with Special Guest Rut Banks
Music is an expression of our hearts – of our experiences, joys, sorrows, hopes, dreams, and all that makes us who we are. Rut Banks

Reunion Roadmap 6/19/2021 – with Special Guest Georgina Saunders
Knowing who we are is the key to knowing how we are to conduct ourselves in this chaotic world. How do we know where we

Reunion Roadmap 6/12/2021 – with Special Guest Georgina Saunders
When a follower of Messiah Yeshua experiences a connection and call to Israel, then it only makes sense that God would send her to China.

Reunion Roadmap 6/05/2021 – with Special Guest Georgina Saunders
At 95 years of age, Georgina Saunders has a few stories to tell. We cover a few of those stories in this three-part interview! Among

Reunion Roadmap 5/15/2021 – with Special Guest Pete Wilson
At what age do young people become capable of understanding complicated biblical themes? Maybe at the same age they are assaulted by the hard things

Reunion Roadmap 5/08/2021 – with Special Guest Pete Wilson
If you have teenagers in your life, then you probably know it is difficult sometimes to communicate effectively with them. Is there a way to

Reunion Roadmap 5/01/2021 – with Special Guest Pete Wilson
Do you ever wonder what young people are thinking, or how to communicate with them? Pete Wilson has devoted much of his life to those

Reunion Roadmap 2/27/2021 – with Special Guest Nathan Harmon
The most powerful tool a child of God has is our testimony of life in Him. We hear that in the story Nathan Harmon shares

Reunion Roadmap 2/20/2021 – with Special Guest Nathan Harmon
What comes next after learning how to hunt and fish? How about hunting and fishing better! We can always improve, and that’s especially important regarding

Reunion Roadmap Interview with Josh Tolley
One of our most popular interviews in the history of Reunion Roadmap is our visit with author, speaker, and business advisor Josh Tolley. This interview first

Reunion Roadmap 2/13/2021 – with Special Guest Nathan Harmon
Think about your high school and college years – whether that was 40 years ago, or you’re still there now. Was there, or is there,

Reunion Roadmap 1/30/2021 – with Special Guest Josh Tolley
If you could make enough money to live for a year by working only a few weeks, would you do it? What would you do

Reunion Roadmap 1/23/2021 – with Special Guest Josh Tolley
What is more important: getting into a job you like, or setting a goal and finding ways to get there? Think about that question as

Reunion Roadmap 1/16/2021 – with Special Guest Josh Tolley
What would you think if someone told you the way we handle money, work our jobs, and relate to our employers is very different from

Reunion Roadmap 12/26/2020 – with Special Guest Bob O’Dell
What is the connection between restoration and reconciliation? We have some commentary on that question in this show, starting with the third part of our

Reunion Roadmap 12/19/2020 – with Special Guest Bob O’Dell
Did you ever think about “The Great Divide” between Christians and Jews? That, of course, is the question about who is the Messiah. Bob O’Dell

Reunion Roadmap 12/12/2020 – with Special Guest Bob O’Dell
What is it that keeps Christians and Jews from getting to know one another on a meaningful level? There are obvious differences, but there are

Reunion Roadmap 11/28/2020 – with Special Guest MelanEE Lisa Davidson
We probably won’t arrive at the place where God has finished working on us while we’re still in this life. His finished work is something

Reunion Roadmap 11/21/2020 – with Special Guest MelanEE Lisa Davidson
Every testimony of redemption is improbable to some extent. Think about it: a person is heading down a certain path with no desire or ability

Reunion Roadmap 9/12/2020 – with Special Guest Bryan Sanchez
How is it that a person could be in church all his life, serving the Lord with great enthusiasm, and not have read the Bible?

Reunion Roadmap 8/29/2020 – with Special Guest Marcus Bowman
Is there a spiritual dimension to commerce? Since the Bible has much to say about money and fair business dealings, we can say yes to