Rebuild Season 4 (2023)

Awaiting the Full Inheritance
It’s difficult to understand that our present circumstances have not always been so, nor will they always be so. Borders changes, as do economies, social

A Matter of Synchronization
Why do we sometimes feel disconnected – somehow out of synch with our time and place? We can point to a number of physical, psychological,

Songs to Live By
How do we balance the requirements of daily life with the calling and commandments of our Redeemer? Maybe we don’t, unless we work together.

Ruling as a Slave, or Serving as a King?
There’s an irony in our redemptive adoption as children of Abraham: we become part of the family God Himself chose to be chief among the

The Power of a Promise Kept
We claim to be standing on the promises of God, but do we know what promises we are claiming? Where do we find them? Are

Contemplations on the Tree of Woe
Scripture tells us that Messiah’s followers are to take part in His sufferings. It’s His example of righteous obedience and perseverance in a world that

Do Not Climb On The Lion
People do dumb things. That’s why rules, regulations, and laws are made. If people didn’t do dumb things, we wouldn’t need to regulate behavior. That’s

About That Foreign King
Is it really a bad idea for a nation to select a foreigner as their leader? Yes, it is. That’s why not only the Bible,

Divided Capital, Divided Hearts
A national capital city is the symbol of a nation and the focus of its citizens. When that city is divided, or discarded and forgotten

Sleepwalking Into Eternity
One surprising thing about the human story is not that the world around us changes so often, but rather how rarely we notice the changes.

How To Be Ready
The Bible tells us to watch and pray and be ready, but does it tell us how, and for what? Deuteronomy 4:9-10; Proverbs 15:22; Matthew

Outsourcing Government
When we talk about “spiritual maturity,” we usually think about how God’s people grow spiritually as they learn the Bible and apply its truths to

Forty Acres and A Desk
Most people probably don’t think about their inheritance until their parents grow old and they begin to wonder what’s being left to them. Maybe a

I May Have Been That Guy
Maturity sometimes brings a degree of embarrassment when we realize that our less mature thoughts and actions once caused trouble in our relationships. While we’re

What Good Parents Do
God is our Heavenly Father, or so we learn from the Bible, but what exactly does that mean? Is there something about God’s parenting process

Genuinely Human
Which is better: to be right, or to keep a relationship? We can choose an answer now, but it’s likely to be the wrong one

Vision Beyond Survival
It’s right to cry out to our Creator for salvation in times of trouble, and for provision at all times. However, if we never progress

Out of the Mixed Multitude
What is permanent about national, religious, or even ethnic identity? We think of tribes, tongues, and nations as everlasting, but even the oldest has existed

Ugly Holiness
If we ever think about holy people, what comes to mind may be nice people who get along well with others. But what about people

Citizen Advocates
It’s not right to have different classes among citizens of any nation. That’s not simply a human sense of fairness, but a statute of our

Counting the Dark Stars
Is our Creator trustworthy if He doesn’t come through on His promises? We need to wrestle with this question because the eternal destiny of the

One More River to Cross
There is some comfort in knowing that our Creator expects us to fail. It’s part of the lengthy training process He has overseen for millennia

Justice on the Right Terms
We all want to see right prevail. Or do we? Maybe what we really want is to see right prevail as we define it. Leviticus

Demonic Weeds
Our hope for this world is in our Creator’s promise to redeem and restore it to the perfection of the Garden of Eden. Right now

But What If He Doesn’t?
We don’t like to think about the fact that we begin dying at the instant of our birth. It’s hard enough to cope with that

Happy Mules
God has been revealing Himself for thousands of years. You might think we would all be on the same page by now, with the same

There’s No Place Like Home
If life is a journey, what is the destination? Why is the road so rough, with so many twists and turns? And why are we

The Art of Consecration
We think of consecration as something only for priests and ministers. That’s true. Our Redeemer has been creating a nation of priests all along. How

Making Special Occasions Special
We move through our lives with the expectation that our Creator exists to make life special for us. What if it’s the other way around?

Vision and A Willing Heart
Our Messiah is building His Kingdom with people who are both willing contributors and people of vision. That’s because those who lack one or the