Latest Reunion Roadmap Podcasts

Al McCarn: Christian Zionism 101, part 1
Why should Christians care about Israel and the Jewish people? That’s a question Al McCarn answers in his new book, Christian Zionism 101: Ten Reasons Christians

Tony Boyatt: The Heart of the Matter, part 3
It just makes sense that humility, love, compassion, and mercy are the building blocks of our God’s Kingdom. At least, that’s what we learn from

Tony Boyatt: The Heart of the Matter, part 2
A major topic in End Times discussions is the rebuilding of God’s Temple in Jerusalem. What seldom enters into such conversations is God’s desire to

Tony Boyatt: The Heart of the Matter, part 1
What is more important to our Creator: that we have perfect knowledge of His word, or that we act on what we know with hearts

Laura Lee: Healing the Shepherds to Heal the Sheep, part 3
Do pastors and spiritual leaders need counseling and deliverance? Of course they do! They suffer from the same problems as everyone else. Sadly, they may

Laura Lee: Healing the Shepherds to Heal the Sheep, part 2
It’s bad enough that anyone would suffer extreme trauma and abuse as a child, so how much worse can it be when such a person

Laura Lee: Healing the Shepherds to Heal the Sheep, part 1
Is anyone beyond redemption and healing? Laura Lee would tell you no, but it’s a long, hard journey. She has travelled that road, first suffering

Kevin Jessip: From Repentance to Reformation, part 5
What happens when we do church by formula instead of by the living Word of God and the breath of His Spirit? Kevin Jessip has

Kevin Jessip: From Repentance to Reformation, part 4
What does Yeshua mean when He says, “the least of these My brethren” (Matthew 25:40)? Is He talking about Christians, or about His Jewish kin?

Kevin Jessip: From Repentance to Reformation, part 3
What’s the difference between a mantle and an anointing? Kevin Jessip learned the difference from German evangelist Reinhard Bonnke. He shares that with us in this third part

Kevin Jessip: From Repentance to Reformation, part 2
What’s an armor bearer? We read in the Bible about the armor bearer of Jonathan, son of King Saul, who accompanied him everywhere to help carry

Kevin Jessip: From Repentance to Reformation, part 1
Everyone probably knows a pastor or ministry leader, and everyone knows a successful business owner. It’s likely that everyone has met a government consultant at

Revis Daggett: The Shadow of the Inquisition, part 5
There’s an interesting prophecy from Obadiah that is becoming relevant in our day: The exiles of Jerusalem, who are in Sepharad,will possess the cities of

Revis Daggett: The Shadow of the Inquisition, part 4
Could it be that David Crockett was fighting against the Spanish Inquisition when he died at the Battle of the Alamo? Could the Texas Revolution have

Revis Daggett: The Shadow of the Inquisition, part 3
Why is it that Mexican grandmothers don’t want to talk about their families’ history? Could it be that there is a Jewish element in their

Revis Daggett: The Shadow of the Inquisition, part 2
Was Christopher Columbus Jewish? If so, did his voyage of discovery in 1492 have any connection to his Jewish identity? That’s one of the questions

Revis Daggett: The Shadow of the Inquisition, part 1
Remember Cinderella? She’s a servant in her own home, oppressed by her adopted family, and unable to access her true identity as her father’s heir.

Beverly Hall: All Things to All People, part 3
We expect to find blatant anti-Israel and anti-Jewish sentiment in places like progressive college campuses and radical Islamic countries, but what are we supposed to

Beverly Hall: All Things to All People, part 2
Bev Hall has a heart for guiding children in God’s truth. That’s what inspired her to become a teacher, and it’s what inspires her to

Beverly Hall: All Things to All People, part 1
At the age of 75, Bev Hall doesn’t show any signs of slipping into a comfortable retirement! She has already lived a full life, and

Susanne Ratcliffe: Stones of Wrath – Israel’s Tribes in Cultural Context, part 3
What is the historical basis for the migration of Israel’s tribes into Europe – and especially the migrations of Dan into Denmark, the country that

Susanne Ratcliffe: Stones of Wrath – Israel’s Tribes in Cultural Context, part 2
Authors might describe the process of writing as the process of sharing with their readers the inspiration that moved them to write. Often that inspiration

Susanne Ratcliffe: Stones of Wrath – Israel’s Tribes in Cultural Context, part 1
Fiction may be the most powerful kind of literature. Things that seem unbelievable and outlandish in real life become acceptable and even plausible in a

Samuel Wearp: How the World Changed on October 7, part 3
Whenever we fight against evil, there is often the danger of becoming the very evil we seek to destroy. Is that possible in this righteous

Samuel Wearp: How The World Changed On October 7, Part 2
What is this current war between Israel and Hamas really about? What are the wider issues – not just diplomatic and military issues, but the

Samuel Wearp: How the World Changed on October 7, part 1
How do we know if we’re living through not only world-changing events, but long-awaited fulfillment of prophecies? Chances are, we won’t know until we have

Margot Crossing & Richard Hewitt: Lost Tribes Institute, part 3
If there is significant evidence that Israeli’s Lost Tribes still exist, shouldn’t someone be doing some serious academic work to compile that evidence and share

Margot Crossing & Richard Hewitt: Lost Tribes Institute, Part 2
Is it too much to believe that Israel’s exiles migrated all the way to Japan? Margot Crossing and Richard Hewitt address that question in this second part of our

Margot Crossing & Richard Hewitt: Lost Tribes Institute, part 1
Amazing things start to happen when people actually believe God will do what He says and take action on that belief. We step out in

Reunion Roadmap 12/30/2023 – Teshuva Music: Singing of Zion in Tennessee, pt 3
So you’ve just returned home from a traumatic experience in a country you love. What’s the first thing you do? How about hold a rally