Rebuild Season 1 (2020)

Happy Mules
God has been revealing Himself for thousands of years. You might think we would all be on the same page by now, with the same
He Ain’t Heavy
How fractured is humanity? The Scripture record says we have been fighting one another from the very beginning. Will we ever get over that and
By Many Or By Few
Most people just want to live in peace, but there are always a few who want to take that peace from them. Why do the
Our Part of the Story
CWe live in the present, but we are linked inextricably with those who have come before – just as those who come after are linked
A Question of Lineage
There is merit to living in the moment. After all, we don’t want to miss out on what is right in front of us. However,
Courage, or Obedience?
OCourage is always desirable, but it can be dangerous if recklessly pursued. If our God exhorts us to be strong and of good courage, then
What Happens When Good People Sleep
Everyone wants to be a good citizen and a good neighbor, or at least that’s what we should want. But is that enough? Perhaps there
Citizen Soldiers of Heaven
Our Messiah won a decisive victory at the cross, but He did not call us to lay down our arms. In fact, He said He
The Nuts and Bolts of Victory
The enemy of our souls is relentless, and his attacks seem never to cease. It’s a weary struggle. How do we win? Or, more appropriately,
When I’m 84
Somewhere in our journey of life, we will encounter others who are growing old. How should we treat them? This is important seeing that eventually
The Insidious Nature of Evil
It may be accurate to say that no one in their right mind would commend evil and condemn good. But then, the testimony of human
When Is The Kingdom?
Everyone wants to see the Kingdom of Heaven come right now, in our day, but is that desire consistent with how God wants His people
Giving Peace A Chance
Is genuine peace truly possible anywhere on earth before Messiah Son of David establishes His kingdom in Zion? Is every announcement of peace merely a
The Love of Just a Little Bit More
Is the love of money really the root of all evil? And if so, where do we get that love – and what do we
A House for All the World’s Prayers
Our Heavenly Father holds out the promise of redemption to every person. De we really believe that? Or in our hearts do we consider some
The Price of Revelation
Do people share their most intimate thoughts and plans with anyone who asks? No; we prefer to share such things only with close companions who
Aligning With The Right Spirit
Everyone goes through seasons of weakness and despair. The question is not how to avoid them, but how to get through them and move on
Justice the Right Way
It’s not enough to seek justice, and it’s not enough to seek righteousness. We have to seek both, and do so in a spirit of
Make Friends in the Way
What’s more important: reaching a destination, or getting along with others on the journey? Amos 3:1-15, 9:11-12; Matthew 5:21-26; Acts 15:16-18 Click here to listen
Victory in Time
Doing what we are trained to do is good. Doing it at the right time is event better – but how do we know? Ecclesiastes
Wrestling with A Gospel of Exclusion
After a century and a half, Marxists are still very effective at captivating the minds and hearts of millions. Could God’s people learn something from
Brains and Hearts to Choose Life
God gives us a choice between life and death. Seems simple, but is it really? Deuteronomy 30:15-20; Proverbs 14:12, 16:26; Ezekiel 33:10-11; 1 Corinthians 7:12-20
Pursuing Just Justice
God’s people are supposed to seek justice, but if it is sought in the wrong way, is it still justice? And if so, what do
Defiling the Covenant
Should we worry about idols to other gods? Or should we be more concerned about the idols in our hearts that keep us divided from
Who Are The Poor?
Why are there so many poor people among us? Who exactly are the poor? Is this a question of wealth, or of faith and obedience?
Erasing Who We Are
What are God’s people to do with the uncomfortable parts of our past? Numbers 16:1-40; Psalm 46:1-11; Ezekiel 18:20-29; Romans 2:1-11 Click here to listen
The Price of Exclusion
Are the people of God the ones preventing the fulfillment of Messiah Yeshua’s high priestly prayer? Isaiah 66:5; John 16:1-3, 17:1-26; James 4:1-12 Click here
Malice, Charity, and the People of God
When God’s people cry out for justice and vindication, they usually see themselves as the victims, but what if they are also the oppressors? Isaiah