Do you know that stereotypical nice, successful boy that Jewish mothers want their daughters to marry? Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz doesn’t fit that stereotype. In his years as a biker and culinary artist from New York, if any stereotype applied to him, it would be the rebellious young man searching for meaning in life. It’s a blessing that he found that meaning when he came home to Israel. Not only did his journey toward God acquire focus and intensity, he learned many lessons along the way that he is now sharing as a columnist with Israel365 News, and as an author of world-class fiction. Our four-part interview with Eliyahu begins with discussion of his latest novel, The Master of Return and the Eleventh Light, but then we go into some unexpected places as we talk about what God is doing at the intersection of the Jewish and Christian worlds.
In a sense, Eliyahu Berkowitz is one of those lost sheep of Israel who has found his way home. Barry Phillips and David Jones have a lot to say about wayward sheep in their midrash called, “Restoring Sheep.” Healing and restoration are themes in this message, and in the music of the Aleph Tav Band and Teshuva.
The Master of Return and Eliyahu’s other books are available at Root Source at the following links:
- The Master of Return and the Eleventh Light:
- Dolphins on the Moon:
- The Hope Merchant: