Rebuild Season 5 (2024)

Why We Can’t Have Nice Things
Whether by accident or on purpose, we tend to be destructive if we’re not careful about our actions. We can see the damage we do

Imperial Holiness
One consistent characteristic of human religious expression is the showiness of it. We build ornate places of worship, adorned with the finest materials, staffed by

A Matter of Principle
Did you ever stop to think about what it means to miss the forest for the trees? It has something to do with getting so

Distracted by the Cats
Religious people use lots of spiritual-sounding words, but do we really know what they mean? It might be good if we learn the definitions of

The Wisdom of Not Quitting
The scariest and most difficult things in life often involve some kind of change. It doesn’t have to be something as crazy as jumping out

Bus Ticket to Redemption
If God gives us free will to choose our course in life, why do our outcomes seem predetermined? Maybe it’s not that the outcomes are

Identificational Deliverance
What would we do without our identity? If we don’t know who we are, how can we know what we are to be and do

Navigating Our Shenandoah Moment
Do we always have to choose a side? Yes, and no. It’s important for God’s people to be on His side. The problem is, He

It’s All In The Story
Everyone enjoys a good story. Some of the best stories are in the Bible. In fact, the stories of the Bible, most of which are

Becoming Indispensable
Some people seem to have a gift for making things happen. They are the dependable people who get the job done, which is why they

Godly Rational Actors
Sometimes it’s hard to distinguish genuine people of God from the rest of the world. That’s often the case when we see the godly and

Fulfilling the New Covenant
What does it mean to “hear from God”? Is it just something people make up to sound holy, or to keep others from questioning them?

The Real Deal
What do we do when the people and institutions we have trusted all our lives prove themselves to be untrustworthy? It’s bad enough when the

Maternal Advocacy
Could a mother’s love be a component of End Times prophecy? Maybe – or maybe it’s the lack of maternal love that is the true

Relative Judgment
How do we define right and wrong if there is no absolute truth? We complain about moral relativism, but only until we realize that the

God and Two-Tiered Justice
No one likes a double standard, except perhaps when that practice works out in their favor. That’s why human justice systems often seem unfair. Is

Mourning the Wicked
Ever since human beings started defining good and evil for themselves, we’ve had this problem of consigning people we define as evil to destruction. As

Recreating God
We have a lot of trouble understanding and relating to our infinite God. That’s because He is infinite and we’re not. What we know of

Waiting For Shiloh
Sibling rivalry has threatened the peace of families since the first family was formed. That’s why our Creator chose one family to reverse that trend

Walking Like An Egyptian
Sometimes it takes extreme measures to get God’s people to switch their focus from seeking peace in their current circumstances to seeking the Creator’s intent