New Book! Christian Zionism 101

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A key question for Christians today is where they stand regarding Israel. There is much confusion, compounded by a general lack of knowledge among Christians of all streams about the place of Israel and the Jewish people in God’s plans. That’s why my friend David Wilber asked me to write Christian Zionism 101: Ten Reasons Christians Should Support Israel and the Jewish People.

Why would anyone want to be a Zionist? Maybe because God is a Zionist, as we learn from the Bible:

Thus says the LORD of hosts: I am exceedingly jealous for Jerusalem and for Zion.”
—Zechariah 1:14

Zion is Jerusalem and the Land of Israel.

Simply put, Zionism is the movement for the return of the Jewish people to their ancestral homeland and the resumption of Jewish sovereignty in the Land of Israel. But why should Christians care?

This book provides ten answers to that question, starting with the fact that Jesus is Jewish. In this volume, Bible-believing Christians will find ample evidence in scripture for supporting the Jewish people and the Jewish State of Israel. In addition, there is the record of history, the Judeo-Christian foundation of our biblical worldview, and the practical considerations of supporting the only liberal democracy in the Middle East.

Christian Zionism 101 is available through at this link:

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