We all want healing and restoration to our nations, so what happens if God doesn’t answer our prayers as we expect and our lands remain sick and divided? Maybe we should ask Him if we’ve missed something in our prayers – such as praying for the healing of His land.
Come Heal Your Land
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We all want healing and restoration to our nations, so what happens if God doesn’t answer our prayers as we expect and our lands remain sick and divided? Maybe we should ask Him if we’ve missed something in our prayers – such as praying for the healing of His land.
Numbers 30:2-36:13; Jeremiah 2:4-28, 3:1-16, 29:5-14; Deuteronomy 11:12; Psalm 122:1-9; Romans 8:18-23; 1 Timothy 2:1-7
Click here to download a transcript of this podcast: Come Heal Your Land
Music: “Across the Savannah,” Aaron Kenny, YouTube Audio Library, October 2020. Listen to the complete audio on YouTube at https://youtu.be/_uQyXCDK8rM?si=rS8DNRN-RQcj0nWI.
Photo: Dead Vlei (Dead Swamp), Namibia. Photo by Giovanni, August 9, 2022, via Flickr.
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