Quail Jerky and the Illusion of Abundance

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How much do we trust God? We say we trust in Him, but how much trust do we really have when adversity comes? Maybe a better question would be, do we trust Him more than we trust in ourselves to provide the things we want when we want them? That leads to a more uncomfortable question: if God doesn’t provide in the way we expect, is He still the God we want to follow?

Numbers 8:1-12:16; Zechariah 2:10-4:7; Daniel 3:12-18; Philippians 4:12-13 

Click here to download a transcript of this podcast: Quail Jerky and the Illusion of Abundance.pdf

Music: “I Know Whom I Have Believed,” Hymn Collective, Gospel Light, Infinity Records 2010.

Picture: Desert Quail (Gambel’s Quail), illustration from The Birds of California, William Leon Dawson, (Los Angeles: South Moulton Company, 1923). Biodiversity Heritage Library, via Flickr.

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