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BFB220115 Boy Playing On Beach
Boy Playing on Beach with Pail and Shovel. Photo by Chris McBrien, June 5, 2011, via Flickr.

What is our real motivation for following God? Do we really want to be His people, or is there some hidden motive – a motive we even hide from ourselves?

Exodus 13:17-17:16, Judges 4:4-5:31; Genesis 22:1-19; Matthew 14:22-33; Luke 18:1-8; John 6:60-70, 20:19-29; Philippians 3:17-21

Click here to listen to the podcast: Faith Without Hats

Click here to download the transcript: Faith Without Hats.pdf

Music: “Out to Sea / The Shark Cage Fugue” (From Jaws), John Williams, John Williams & Steven Spielberg: The Ultimate Collection, Sony Masterworks 2017.  

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