Our Part of the Story

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BFB201213 Tolkien at Tree
JRR Tolkien, shortly before his death in 1973. Image by © The Tolkien Trust 1977

CWe live in the present, but we are linked inextricably with those who have come before – just as those who come after are linked with us. What do we remember of our fathers and mothers of old? Do we want our sons and daughters to remember us in the same way?

Psalm 34:16-23; Hebrews 11:13-16, 32-40, 12:1-3; Acts 7

Click here to listen to the podcast: Our Part of the Story

Click here to download the transcript: Our Part of the Story.pdf

Music: “Into the West,” by Annie Lennox, Fran Walsh, and Howard Shore, performed by Peter Hollens, Misty Mountains: Songs Inspired by The Hobbit and Lord of the Ring, Peter Hollens, 2016.

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