Why It’s Good to be United in Worship

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Here’s what’s coming on Hebrew Nation Radio this Monday, April 23:

Remember that part in the Bible that tells us to pray for the peace of Jerusalem? It’s in Psalm 122 – a psalm that starts like this:

I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go to the house of the Lord.” (Psalm 122:1)

Are we really glad about worship? The people of God should be. After all, we’re created to worship Him! That means whatever differences we have, whether in personality, opinions, culture, nationality, or anything else, we should be able to agree on and unite in worship of our Creator.

“United in Worship” is a good name for a conference. It’s so good, in fact, that someone is actually using it!

The United in Worship Conference is happening May 11-12 in Jasper, Georgia. That’s the topic of conversation this week as The Remnant Road welcomes Tony Boyatt of the Exodus Road Band and Mason Clover to share the story of the conference. Both of them are experienced not only as musicians and worship leaders, but also in the daily ministry of helping people through life. Worship happens not just in music, but in honoring our Creator by living as He intended. We’ll unpack what that means in our conversation with Tony and Mason.

Want to know more? Check out the conference site at:


While you’re at it, you might want to visit the Exodus Road Band and Mason Clover web sites , where you can find all their music and more!



The Remnant Road, with co-hosts Al McCarn, Mike Clayton, Barry Phillips, and Hanoch Young is the Monday edition of the Hebrew Nation Morning Show.  You can listen live at 11:00–1:00 EST, 8:00-10:00 PST at http://hebrewnationonline.com/, and on podcast at any time.

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