B’ney Yosef National Shabbat Has Come to Central Texas!

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B'ney Yosef National Shabbat NewWhat is it that brings God’s people together faster than anything else?  How about praising and worshipping our Creator together on the day He set aside for that purpose?  That is the purpose of the B’ney Yosef National Shabbat:

“Once a month, there will be a Shabbat [Sabbath] experience that will bring Northern Israelites together from fellowships, congregations, and homes to express and declare to Avinu (our Father) that we are the people of Northern Israel.  There will be no teaching, but occasional presentations about our national restoration and Scriptural discussions promoting a national outlook.”  – B’ney Yosef National Shabbat Vision Statement

The National Shabbat first appeared in Georgia, and then South Carolina, and now it’s coming to Central Texas on March 19, 2016.  Here are the details:


  • When: Saturday, March 19 from 12:00 PM to 7:00 PM
  • Where: Fischer Park, 1820 McQueeney Road, New Braunfels, TX 78130, off I-35 between San Antonio and Austin. For map and directions click here.  
  • To download a .PDF of Fischer Park click here:  Fischer Park Map
  • For planning purposes, we would appreciate if you visit this link and RSVP:


  • Gather with us as we celebrate Shabbat as the Nation of B’ney Yosef (Children of Joseph) of the House of Israel. Those who choose to arrive at 12 noon will begin our time of fellowship eating lunch together. 
  • We will hear opening greetings and Scriptures, and then take time to praise and worship Yeshua our King!
  • Ephraim and Rimona Frank from Israel will be sharing, along with Sister Kaye, who lived in Aqaba, Jordan, for 25 years. We will hear the report from the B’ney Yosef North America Summit in Tampa, Florida, and be given a glimpse of expectations for the Second B’ney Yosef National Congress to be held in Ariel, Israel this October.
  • We look for the possibility of folks from across Texas and even neighboring states to join us. You won’t want to miss meeting fellow Hebrews of B’ney Yosef!!
  • There is no charge for this gathering, but we will have an offering box available for those who would like to help with the costs of the National Shabbat.
  • Please bring sufficient food for your family for the evening meal also, as well as any snacks and drinks that you and your family may require. PLEASE BRING FOOD FOR YOUR OWN FAMILY ONLY!!  Due to park regulations we are not able to have shared food at this gathering.  ALSO, PLEASE BRING LAWN CHAIRS.
  • All children and teens will be expected to have PARENTAL supervision AT ALL TIMES, please!!
  • We mention here this park rule: GLASS beverage containers are prohibited at the park.
  • To make sure everyone has the best possible National Shabbat experience, please click here to review additional park rules:  Central Texas National Shabbat – Fischer Park Rules

BFB160308 Fischer Park - New Braunfels

© Albert J. McCarn and The Barking Fox Blog, 2015-2016.  Permission to use and/or duplicate original material on The Barking Fox Blog is granted, provided that full and clear credit is given to Albert J. McCarn and The Barking Fox Blog with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

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