וְזֹאת הַבְּרָכָה
Even superheroes have their weaknesses. If it were not so, the stories about them would be over very quickly and would not be quite so interesting. This is perhaps a reflection of our human condition. No individual is complete within himself or herself. We need one another to do things we cannot do for ourselves and to watch out for dangers hidden in our blind spots. Together we survive and thrive, but separately we grow weak and perish.
Hopefully we learn this lesson in childhood. Good children’s literature certainly upholds this principle, whether it is The Cat in the Hat helping bored children amuse themselves and then clean up the mess, or The Ugly Duckling finding unexpected help to teach him who he is. So it is with The Five Chinese Brothers, a classic modern retelling of an ancient Chinese story. In her 1938 version of the tale, Claire Huchet Bishop tells of five remarkable brothers who live with their mother near the sea. Although they are identical, each brother has a unique ability. One can swallow the sea, and thus is a highly successful fisherman. The second brother has a neck as hard as iron, the third can stretch his legs to any length, the fourth is immune to fire, and the fifth can hold his breath as long as he desires.
One day the First Brother goes fishing in the company of a lad who had begged to go with him. When the brother swallows the sea, the boy runs out to collect the treasures exposed on the now dry ground. Before long the Brother grows tired and signals to the lad to return, but he ignores the signals and continues wandering along the seabed. When the Brother must release the sea from his mouth, the waters cover the wayward boy. In sadness the Brother returns home, where he is arrested, tried, convicted, and sentenced to death by beheading.
Happily for the family, the execution never succeeds. The First Brother has opportunity to go home and say farewell to his mother, but it is the Second Brother who returns. His neck of iron turns the executioner’s blade, leading to a revised sentence of death by drowning. The sequence repeats, with each Brother coming in to overcome successive sentences – the Third Brother’s long legs prevent drowning in the sea; the Fourth Brother’s resistance to fire defeats the flames of the execution stake; and the Fifth Brother survives an airless night in a sealed oven. Having failed to execute the offender, and not realizing that his Brothers have taken his place each time, the judge proclaims him innocent.
How simple and how profound is the lesson from this children’s tale. Brothers need one another, each contributing of his abilities to do his essential part in bringing peace and long life to the family and to the nation. That is just as King David said:
Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity! It is like the precious oil upon the head, coming down upon the beard, even Aaron’s beard, coming down upon the edge of his robes. It is like the dew of Hermon coming down upon the mountains of Zion; for there the Lord commanded the blessing—life forever. (Psalm 133:1-3 NASB)
Moses speaks to this principle in his last speech to Israel as recorded in V’Zot Habrachah (This is the Blessing, Deuteronomy 33:1-34:12). He will die on Mount Nebo shortly after addressing the assembled tribes, and they will mourn his death for thirty days before moving across the Jordan to the Promised Land under Joshua’s leadership. Moses is not in the habit of uttering idle words, but these are his dying words – the last thing his people will hear him say. As is characteristic of Hebrew elders, he ends his life with a blessing on those he loves:
Now this is the blessing with which Moses the man of God blessed the sons of Israel before his death. He said, “The Lord came from Sinai, and dawned on them from Seir; He shone forth from Mount Paran, and He came from the midst of ten thousand holy ones; at His right hand there was flashing lightning for them. Indeed, He loves the people; all Your holy ones are in Your hand, and they followed in Your steps; everyone receives of Your words. Moses charged us with a law, a possession for the assembly of Jacob. And He was king in Jeshurun, when the heads of the people were gathered, the tribes of Israel together. (Deuteronomy 33:1-5 NASB)
As in the Song of Moses, this blessing begins with a reminder to the Tribes that their identity rests entirely in YHVH. He is their King, their Redeemer, and the One with Whom they have entered into Covenant to live by the commandments of His Law. With that reminder in place, Moses then addresses each tribe.
Well, almost each tribe. That is one of the peculiar things about this blessing; Moses leaves out one tribe, and changes the order of precedence for many of the others. There are several ways to list the Tribes: by birth order, categorized according to their mothers (Leah, Rachel, Bilhah, Zilpah), by birthright and leadership status, or perhaps by size and importance. Moses chooses none of those. He begins with Reuben, the firstborn and oldest son of Leah the first wife, but then it gets muddled. Consider the differences:
Birth Order | Order in Moses’ Blessing | |
1. | Reuben | Reuben |
2. | Simeon | Judah |
3. | Levi | Levi |
4. | Judah | Benjamin |
5. | Dan | Joseph (Ephraim & Manasseh) |
6. | Naphtali | Zebulun |
7. | Gad | Issachar |
8. | Asher | Gad |
9. | Issachar | Dan |
10. | Zebulun | Naphtali |
11. | Joseph | Asher |
12. | Benjamin |
Why would Moses change the order, and why would he omit the tribe of Simeon? The answers to these questions involve multiple elements in Israel’s history and destiny, and the full tale of them shall not be known until the end of time. Perhaps, though, it is instructive to investigate the matter and offer a few speculative explanations.
This list of the Tribes parallels another list given by the Apostle John in his vision of the Last Days. Revelation 7 introduces us to a select group of warriors from the Tribes whom YHVH will designate for His special purposes during the Great Tribulation:
After this I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds of the earth, so that no wind would blow on the earth or on the sea or on any tree. And I saw another angel ascending from the rising of the sun, having the seal of the living God; and he cried out with a loud voice to the four angels to whom it was granted to harm the earth and the sea, saying, “Do not harm the earth or the sea or the trees until we have sealed the bond-servants of our God on their foreheads.” And I heard the number of those who were sealed, one hundred and forty-four thousand sealed from every tribe of the sons of Israel: from the tribe of Judah, twelve thousand were sealed, from the tribe of Reuben twelve thousand, from the tribe of Gad twelve thousand, from the tribe of Asher twelve thousand, from the tribe of Naphtali twelve thousand, from the tribe of Manasseh twelve thousand, from the tribe of Simeon twelve thousand, from the tribe of Levi twelve thousand, from the tribe of Issachar twelve thousand, from the tribe of Zebulun twelve thousand, from the tribe of Joseph twelve thousand, from the tribe of Benjamin, twelve thousand were sealed. (Revelation 7:1-8 NASB, emphasis added)
Notice that the tribe of Dan is missing from John’s list, apparently replaced by Manasseh, son of Joseph. When it comes to understanding the lists of Israel’s tribes, it helps to start with the fact that Joseph inherited the birthright from his father Jacob and therefore is entitled to a double portion above his brothers (Genesis 48:8-22; I Chronicles 5:1-3). Joseph’s sons, Ephraim and Manasseh, became leaders of tribes along with their uncles, and those two tribes inherited portions in the Promised Land. In some lists they are numbered as separate tribes, but actually they are two halves of the tribe of Joseph.
One other complication concerns the tribe of Levi. They are the Lord’s portion among the tribes, just as Moses indicated:
Of Levi he said, “Let Your Thummim and Your Urim belong to Your godly man, whom You proved at Massah, with whom You contended at the waters of Meribah; who said of his father and his mother, ‘I did not consider them’; and he did not acknowledge his brothers, nor did he regard his own sons, for they observed Your word, and kept Your covenant. They shall teach Your ordinances to Jacob, and Your law to Israel. They shall put incense before You, and whole burnt offerings on Your altar. O Lord, bless his substance, and accept the work of his hands; shatter the loins of those who rise up against him, and those who hate him, so that they will not rise again.” (Deuteronomy 33:8-11 NASB)
The priesthood and the Temple service belong to Levi, a status enjoyed both in ancient times and prophesied in the Millennial Kingdom of Messiah (Numbers 1:48-50, 18:1-24; Ezekiel 44:10-16). As YHVH’s portion among the Tribes, Levi receives no inheritance in the Promised Land, and thus are not counted in the census of Israel or in the divisions of tribal territories. However, they are listed in other important accounts. One of those is Moses’ blessing. Another is Jacob’s blessing of his twelve sons just before his death (Genesis 49). This is where we get a clue as to why Simeon does not appear in Moses’ list. Jacob said this about Simeon and Levi:
Simeon and Levi are brothers; their swords are implements of violence. Let my soul not enter into their council; let not my glory be united with their assembly; because in their anger they slew men, and in their self-will they lamed oxen. Cursed be their anger, for it is fierce; and their wrath, for it is cruel. I will disperse them in Jacob, and scatter them in Israel. (Genesis 49:5-7 NASB)

James Tissot
These words refer to the incident at Shechem. Simeon and Levi slaughtered the men of the city when their father was negotiating with them to give his daughter Dinah in marriage to their prince (Genesis 34). Though they may have been justified in their action, they incurred their father’s anger by dishonoring him and bringing bloodguilt on the family. Jacob’s prophecy came true for both tribes. As the priestly tribe, Levi did indeed become scattered throughout Israel, with no tribal portion of their own. Simeon received inheritance, but their portion was within the allotment of Judah (Joshua 19:1-9; Judges 1:3, 17).
These angry, impetuous brothers had much to learn about controlling their passions. It would appear that the Levites learned the lesson; when Israel sinned at Mount Sinai by worshiping the Golden Calf, it was the Levites who rallied to Moses and put down the rebellion (Exodus 32). Their zeal for the Lord won them the place of honor as His priests, and thus their dispersion throughout Israel was honorable. Simeon, however, did not learn. Nearly 40 years later, when the people sinned again through idolatry at Baal-Peor, a prince of Simeon led the way in brazen rebellion (Numbers 25). The Levites again saved the day as Phinehas, Aaron’s grandson, summarily executed the Simeonite prince and his Midianite consort, an action which apparently caused an angry backlash among the Simeonites. When Moses conducted the second census of Israel on the eve of entering the Promised Land, there were only 22,200 fighting men left in Simeon, making them the smallest tribe (Numbers 26:1-56). In the census at Sinai after leaving Egypt, Simeon numbered 59,300 warriors (Numbers 1:1-46). Perhaps the incident at Baal-Peor caused a Simeonite exodus from the camp of Israel, leaving a remnant too small to conquer their own tribal portion in Canaan. Fortunately, Judah inherited a portion too large for their needs or ability to subdue, and therefore Judah offered to share that inheritance with Simeon. Centuries later, the Simeonites dwelling among the Judeans took advantage of the vulnerability of Israel’s future ruler by betraying David to King Saul as he hid in the Simeonite town of Ziph (1 Samuel 23:15-29). Looking therefore both at the recent past and into the future, Moses had some justification in omitting Simeon from his tribal blessings.
But what of Dan? Why is that tribe not in the Apostle John’s list? Our commentary on the Torah portion Bamidbar attempts to answer that question. Dan, along with Ephraim, led the way in bringing institutionalized idolatry into Israel in the days of the Judges (Judges 17:1-18:31). That likely has something to do with it. Then again, maybe there is something in the two blessings of Dan by Jacob and by Moses:
Dan shall judge his people, as one of the tribes of Israel. Dan shall be a serpent in the way, a horned snake in the path, that bites the horse’s heels, so that his rider falls backward. For Your salvation I wait, O Lord. (Genesis 49:16-18 NASB)
Of Dan he said, “Dan is a lion’s whelp, that leaps forth from Bashan.” (Deuteronomy 33:22 NASB)
Dan is a judge? Yes; that is the meaning of his name. In ancient times the tribe did play the role of the lion, particularly during the career of Samson (Judges 13-16). Perhaps in the Last Days the Danites will play a role in the regathering of Israel’s tribes, maybe as serpents striking the heels of those who oppress and persecute their brethren. Time will tell.

We cannot say for certain why Moses and John chose to exclude Simeon and Dan, respectively. However, the nation is incomplete without all the brothers, and that is why both tribes appear in the lists that matter most: in Jacob’s blessing of his sons, and in Ezekiel’s lists of tribal inheritances and of the names of the gates of the New Jerusalem (Ezekiel 48; see also Revelation 21:10-12). In Messiah Yeshua’s Millennial Kingdom, the nation of Israel will be organized into tribes once again. Messiah will be the one to complete this process, but it begins before His return. Even now there are believers investigating this process. Alex and Georgina Perdomo are among those faithful believers. They have established the Etz Yosef Project to see if it is possible to trace genetic markers of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. This is but one line of inquiry and is not the definitive, or perhaps even the most important. Ultimately, membership in the Commonwealth of Israel is by covenant, not by bloodline. Physical descent is the thread by which God keeps His promises to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, but from the beginning He has always intended this nation to include people from every nation, tribe, and tongue. The one physical descendant who matters is Yeshua, son of David, son of Abraham. He is the Messiah who brings salvation to the entire world, and through whom the nation is restored. By and through Him the covenants of Holy God are fulfilled and maintained, even though Israel has always been less than faithful to the terms of the covenants.
It is in keeping with those covenantal terms that the Perdomos and others are seeking the Lord on how He will restore the nation and the Tribes with it. It is only right that their first step is not into the laboratory, but into the prayer room. That is where the Lord provides the answers based on what is already revealed in His Word. When we study the Scriptures we learn much about the tribes. That is the point of the Perdomos’ Chart of the Twelve Tribes of Israel, a tool designed to assist those of Ephraim and of Judah called to investigate their place in the reconstituted nation of Israel. The chart is reproduced here, with slight editing for format.
חְַזַק חְַזַק וְנִתְחַזֵק
Chazak Chazak v’nitchazek
Be strong, be strong, and may we be strengthened!
Chart of the Twelve Tribes of Israel
Alex Perdomo MD and Georgina Chan Perdomo MD
(with slight editing for format)
Posted on Etz Yosef
Order of Birth: First Born (Gen 35:23) |
Census: 46,500 (Num 1:21) |
Mother: Leah |
Stone: Ruby (Odem) |
Meaning of Name: |
See-son (Gen 29:32) |
Jacob’s blessings (Gen 48-49): |
Unstable emotions (as water) (Gen 49:4) |
Moses’ blessings (Deu 33): |
Will survive in large numbers (Deu 33:6) |
Deborah’s blessings (Jud 4-5): |
Searching his heart, did not help Deborah (Jud 4:16) |
Other blessings in the Bible: |
Compassion. Saves brother Joseph from death (Gen 37:21, 22, 29)
Pleases his mother Leah (Gen 30:14) Casanova (Gen 25:32) Livestock with Gad E. of Jordan (Num 32:1-2) |
Order of Birth: Second (Gen 35:23) | Census: 59,300 (Num 1:23) |
Mother: Leah |
Stone: Jade (Pitdah) |
Meaning of Name: |
Hear-son (Gen 29:33) |
Jacob’s blessings (Gen 48-49): |
Cruel, anger, self-willed along with Levi (Gen 49:5-7) |
Moses’ blessings (Deu 33): |
Moses omitted Simeon, but that tribe did not lose their identity (I Chr 4:24-38) |
Deborah’s blessings (Jud 4-5): | Not mentioned. But, they are in Ezekiel 48 for the Millennium & also in Revelation 7 as part of the 144,000. |
Other blessings in the Bible: | Mighty men of valor fit for war (I Chr 12:25)
Stays bound in Egypt with Joseph (Gen 42:24) Inherited and fought beside Judah (Jos 19:9; Jud 1:3, 17) |
Order of Birth: Third (Gen 35:23) |
Census: Not to be counted (Num 1:48-50) |
Mother: Leah | Stone: Agate (Bareket) |
Meaning of Name: | Attached (Gen 29:34) |
Jacob’s blessings (Gen 48-49): | Cruel, anger, self-willed along with Simeon (Gen 49:5-7) |
Moses’ blessings (Deu 33): |
Teachers of the Word of God. Will serve in the Temple of YHVH. Work of their hands is blessed (Deu 33:8-11). |
Deborah’s blessings (Jud 4-5): |
Not mentioned. But Levites did not go to war. |
Other blessings in the Bible: | Moses, Miriam, and Aaron are Levites (Ex 2).
Aaron the priest of the Lord (Num 17:18). Miriam sings and dances for the Lord (Ex 15:21) Levites to do the work of the Tabernacle/Temple and receive the tithes (Num 18:21) Mechanicals. Build up and take down the Tabernacle (Num 1:51) The Levites also raised livestock (Num 3:45) |
Order of Birth: Fourth (Gen 35:23) (mentioned over 500 times in the Bible) |
Census: 74,600 (Num 1:27) |
Mother: Leah | Stone: Emerald (Nefec) |
Meaning of Name: | Praise (Gen 29:35) |
Jacob’s blessings (Gen 48-49): | Kings, the lion, law-giver, Messiah will come from him (Gen 49:8-10) |
Moses’ blessings (Deu 33): | Powerful leaders of the nation (Deu 33:7) |
Deborah’s blessings (Jud 4-5): |
Not mentioned. |
Other blessings in the Bible: |
Jews of today.
Tabernacle, work with gold, silver and bronze, made by Judah and Dan (Ex 31:1-9) Jerusalem and Bethlehem belong to Judah (Jos 15:63) Judah will return first, before Ephraim (Zech 12:7) |
Order of Birth: Fifth (Gen 30:7) |
Census: 62,700 (Num 1:39) |
Mother: Bilhah | Stone: Sapphire (Sapphir) |
Meaning of Name: | Judge (Gen 30:6) |
Jacob’s blessings (Gen 48-49): | Judge the tribes, Snake (Gen 49:16-17) |
Moses’ blessings (Deu 33): | Dan had great energy and strength and leaped from its southern settlement to establish a colony in the north (Deu 33:22) |
Deborah’s blessings (Jud 4-5): |
In time of war, stayed in his ships and did not help Deborah (Jud 4:16) |
Other blessings in the Bible: |
Craftsmen with ability to teach others (Ex 35:34)
Samson is from the tribe of Dan. Physically strong (Jud 13). Dan is not part of the 144,000 sealed in Revelation 7. But, Eze 48:2, 32 names a gate and land for Dan in the Millennium. |
Order of Birth: Sixth (Gen 30:8) |
Census: 53,400 (Num 1:43) |
Mother: Bilhah | Stone: Amethyst (Ahalmah) |
Meaning of Name: | Wrestle (Gen 30:8) |
Jacob’s blessings (Gen 48-49): | Uses eloquent words. Deer (Gen 49:21) |
Moses’ blessings (Deu 33): | Full blessing of the Lord. Lives in Galilee, Yeshua’s headquarters (Deu 33:23) |
Deborah’s blessings (Jud 4-5): |
Barak, the Military General of Deborah (Jud 4:6-9). They fought to death (Jud 5:18). |
Other blessings in the Bible: |
In time of war, stayed in his land and did not help Deborah (Jud 4:16)
Huram’s mother was from Naphtali. He worked all the bronze in the Temple in Jerusalem for King Solomon (I Kin 7:14). Also a Judge of his people? |
Order of Birth: Seventh (Gen 30:11) |
Census: 46,650 (Num 1:25) |
Mother: Zilpah | Stone: Agate (Shebo) |
Meaning of Name: | Fortune (Gen 30:11) |
Jacob’s blessings (Gen 48-49): | Fighters. Defenders. (Gen 49:19) |
Moses’ blessings (Deu 33): |
He chooses the best of the land, but, like a lion, helped his brothers conquer their land (Deu 33:20-21). |
Deborah’s blessings (Jud 4-5): |
In time of war, stayed in his land and did not help Deborah (Jud 4:16). |
Other blessings in the Bible: | Livestock with Reuben E. of Jordan (Num 32:1-2)
Prophet Gad is King David’s seer (I Sam 22:5). Prophet Gad tells David to build an Altar for the Lord at the Temple Mount in Jerusalem (2 Sam 24:18) |
Order of Birth: Eighth (Gen 30:13) |
Census: 41,500 (Num 1:41) |
Mother: Zilpah | Stone: Aquamarine |
Meaning of Name: | Happy (Gen 30:13) |
Jacob’s blessings (Gen 48-49): | Rich. Provides goods for the Royalty (Gen 49:20) |
Moses’ blessings (Deu 33): | Petroleum oil? Or olive oil that Asher gave to the Temple? Rich & strong (Deu 33:24-25). |
Deborah’s blessings (Jud 4-5): |
In time of war, stayed in the seacoast and did not help Deborah (Jud 4:16). |
Other blessings in the Bible: |
During the reign of King Hezekiah, after the invasion of Assyria, some returned to Jerusalem (2 Chr 30:11)
Prophetess, long life, evangelical (Luk 2:36). There was a prophetess, Anna, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher. She was very old; … |
Order of Birth: Ninth (Gen 35:23) |
Census: 54,400 (Num 1:29) |
Mother: Leah | Stone: Lapis-Lazuli |
Meaning of Name: | He will bring reward. Man of wages. (Gen 30:18) |
Jacob’s blessings (Gen 48-49): | Industrious, hard working, donkey (Gen 49:14-15) |
Moses’ blessings (Deu 33): | To call the people to righteousness, given together with Zebulun. Treasures from the sea and sand. (Deu 33:18-19) |
Deborah’s blessings (Jud 4-5): |
Present with Deborah, when needed for war (Jud 5:15). |
Other blessings in the Bible: |
During the reign of King Hezekiah, after the invasion of Assyria, some returned to Jerusalem (2 Chr 12:40)
Men of Issachar, who understood the times and knew what Israel should do (1 Chr 7:5) |
Order of Birth: Tenth (Gen 35:23) |
Census: 57,400 (Num 1:31) |
Mother: Leah | Stone: Quartz (Yahalom) |
Meaning of Name: | To reside. (Gen 30:20) |
Jacob’s blessings (Gen 48-49): | Navigation, sailors, ocean ships (Gen 49:13) |
Moses’ blessings (Deu 33): |
To call the people to righteousness, given together with Issachar. Treasures from the sea and sand. (Deu 33:18-19) |
Deborah’s blessings (Jud 4-5): |
Recruiters staff in the time of war (Jud 5:14). The fought to death (Jud 5:18). |
Other blessings in the Bible: | One of the Judges (Jud 12:11).
During the reign of King Hezekiah, after the invasion of Assyria, some returned to Jerusalem (2 Chr 12:40) The land of Zebulun saw the great light of the world, Yeshua (Is 9:1; Mat 4:13). |
Order of Birth: Eleventh (Gen 30:24) |
Sons: Ephraim, Manasseh |
Mother: Rachel | Stone: Onyx (Shoham) |
Meaning of Name: | To add. (Gen 30:24) |
Jacob’s blessings (Gen 48-49): | Persecuted by the world, protected by YHVH. The elect of his brothers. (Gen 48:22-26) |
Moses’ blessings (Deu 33): | Agricultural blessings. Blessings of crown, or leadership, or his brothers. (Deu 33:13-17) |
Deborah’s blessings (Jud 4-5): |
Not mentioned. |
Other blessings in the Bible: |
Dreamer and interpreter of dreams (Gen 37:5)
Ruler (Gen 41:41) Receives the blessing of Abraham, for birthright, through his youngest son Ephraim. The Ten Northern Tribes are known as Joseph in the Bible. |
Order of Birth: Twelfth (Gen 35:16-20) |
Census: 35,400 (Num 1:37) |
Mother: Rachel | Stone: Opal (Yashphe) |
Meaning of Name: | Son of my right hand (Gen 35:16-20). |
Jacob’s blessings (Gen 48-49): | Wolf. Warlike nature of small tribe (Gen 49:27). |
Moses’ blessings (Deu 33): | Security and sheltered by YHVH (Deu 33:12). |
Deborah’s blessings (Jud 4-5): |
Benjamin came to fight alongside Deborah (Jud 5:14). |
Other blessings in the Bible: |
First King of Israel is Saul, from Tribe of Benjamin (1 Sam 9:21).
Queen Esther and Mordecai are Benjamites (Esther 2:5). Benjamin, Judah and Levi rebuild the Second Temple (Ezra 1:5). Apostle Paul, Saul of Tarsus, is from the tribe of Benjamin. Evangelism. |
Order of Birth: First Born (Gen 35:16-20) |
Census: 32,000 (Num 1:35) |
Father: Joseph | |
Meaning of Name: | Making forgetful (Gen 41:51). |
Jacob’s blessings (Gen 48-49): | Shall become great, a people (Gen 48:19-20). |
Moses’ blessings (Deu 33): |
Together with Ephraim, will enjoy material prosperity and military might, but Ephraim’s will be greater (Deu 33:17). |
Deborah’s blessings (Jud 4-5): |
Machir was the first son of Manasseh. Leaders came to help Deborah (Jud 5:14). |
Other blessings in the Bible: | Gideon is from this tribe (Jud 6:15).
During the reign of King Hezekiah, after the invasion of Assyria, some returned to Jerusalem (2 Chr 12:40) |
Order of Birth: Inherits birthright of the Twelve Tribes from Jacob |
Census: 40,500 (Num 1:33) |
Father: Joseph | |
Meaning of Name: | Fruitfulness (Gen 41:52). |
Jacob’s blessings (Gen 48-49): | Inherits birthright and Abraham’s blessings. Father of multitude of nations (Gen 48:18-20). |
Moses’ blessings (Deu 33): |
Together with Manasseh, will enjoy material prosperity and military might, but Ephraim’s will be greater (Deu 33:17). |
Deborah’s blessings (Jud 4-5): |
Deborah was a prophetess and judge of this tribe (Jud 4:4-5). |
Other blessings in the Bible: | The First King of the Ten Northern Tribes is Jeroboam, an Ephraimite (1 Kin 11:26). For that reason the Lord refers to the Ten Northern Tribes as Ephraim.
During the reign of King Hezekiah, after the invasion of Assyria, some returned to Jerusalem (2 Chr 12:40) Did you serve in the military? Are you prosperous? Are you a leader of your community? Are you zealous for the Word of YHVH? Do you teach the Word of YHVH? These were the blessings manifested in Joshua from the tribe of Ephraim (The book of Joshua; Deuteronomy 33:17). |
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