Finding the Narrow Path
Yeshua told us about the narrow gate and difficult way that leads to life. Does He mean that it’s hard to find the way into
Yeshua told us about the narrow gate and difficult way that leads to life. Does He mean that it’s hard to find the way into
This coming week, 14-20 July 2024 (7-14 Tammuz 5784), the Bible reading plan covers Balak. 14 Jul Numbers 22:2-12 Jeremiah 27:16-29:20 Galatians 1:1-17 Psalm 101:1-815
God is our Heavenly Father, or so we learn from the Bible, but what exactly does that mean? Is there something about God’s parenting process
This coming week, June 25-July 1 (6-12 Tammuz), the Bible reading plan covers Chukat (Ordinance Of) and Balak. 25 Jun Numbers 19:1-20:6 Jeremiah 7:17-9:6 1
We are bred for conflict, or so it seems. Even in the games we play, are objective is to win at the expense of others.
This coming week, July 10-16 (11-17 Tammuz 5782), the Bible reading plan covers the portion Balak. 10 Jul Numbers 22:2-12 Jeremiah 35:1-36:32 1 Cor 14:20-40
This coming week, June 20-26 2021 (10-16 Tammuz), the Bible reading plan covers the following portions. Balak 20 Jun Numbers 22:2-12 Jeremiah 26:1-27:22 1 Corinthians
While in Winchester, Kentucky, David Altman and I had an invitation from our friends Leonard Newlin and Abraham Ott to join them in their weekly
פִּינְחָס One of the great depictions of American historical events is John Trumbull’s painting, Declaration of Independence, which hangs in the Rotunda of the United
בָּלָק The great military leaders of World War II include nine who attained the highest rank awarded by the United States of America. Those five-star
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