We all want to live forever – or do we? Maybe what we really want is relief from the suffering of this life. That’s what we expect in the life to come, but what if this life is preparation for responsibilities we will carry in the next life?
Music: “All My Tears,” Cody Ryan Cribbs, Exodus Road Band, Prodigal Son, Exodus Road Records 2022. This song and others by Exodus Road Band are available at https://www.exodusroadband.com/.
Photo: Queens Cemetery. Photo by Scott Bateman, December 10, 2008, via Flickr.
Why should Christians care about Israel and the Jewish people? That’s a question Al McCarn answers in his new book, Christian Zionism 101: Ten Reasons Christians
The Cure for Death
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We all want to live forever – or do we? Maybe what we really want is relief from the suffering of this life. That’s what we expect in the life to come, but what if this life is preparation for responsibilities we will carry in the next life?
Leviticus 14:1-15:33; 2 Kings 4:42-5:19; Exodus 29:19-21; Numbers 19:5; John 8:44, 12:24-26; Romans 6:5-7; Galatians 2:19-20; Hebrews 9:27-28, 13:7-16
Click here to download a transcript of this podcast: The Cure for Death
Music: “All My Tears,” Cody Ryan Cribbs, Exodus Road Band, Prodigal Son, Exodus Road Records 2022. This song and others by Exodus Road Band are available at https://www.exodusroadband.com/.
Photo: Queens Cemetery. Photo by Scott Bateman, December 10, 2008, via Flickr.
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