The Echo of Eternity

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BFB210627 Eddie Balchowsky v1
Eddie Balchowsky in 1937 as a volunteer of the Spanish Republic’s Abraham Lincoln Brigade during the Spanish Civil War. (Photo via The Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives.)

Bad things happen even to good people, and good things happen even to bad people. It’s futile to try to figure this out, but the struggle of life is hardly futile in the greater context of eternity.

Ecclesiastes 1:12-18, 3:11-14, 12:1; Isaiah 53:4-6; Hebrews 5:7-10

Click here to listen to the podcast: The Echo of Eternity

Click here to download the transcript: The Echo of Eternity.pdf

Music: “He Went to Paris,” Jimmy Buffet, Boats, Beaches, Bars & Ballads, MCA Records 1992. Listen to the song at this link:

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