One Heart At A Time
We Christians don’t think much about the Torah. If we’ve even heard the word, we probably think of it as the old Law of Moses
We Christians don’t think much about the Torah. If we’ve even heard the word, we probably think of it as the old Law of Moses
We are fearfully and wonderfully made, equipped by our Creator with some amazing capabilities. Yet if we apply those gifts and abilities outside the Creator’s
Jesus was perhaps the greatest Torah teacher of his day. Think about that for a moment. We do not often consider the fact that Yeshua
If Treasure Island is any indication, a young person’s transition to adulthood has always been awkward and painful. At least it was so in the
וָאֶתְחַנַּן Left to right: Vittorio Orlando (Italy), David Lloyd George (Great Britain), Georges Clemenceau (France), Woodrow Wilson (United States).In a sense one might say that
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