Evil Twins
We disapprove of evil people because they do things that are evil. Does that mean we disapprove of ourselves when we do the same kind
We disapprove of evil people because they do things that are evil. Does that mean we disapprove of ourselves when we do the same kind
Our Creator has a reason for calling on people to deny themselves and serve others. It’s more than just being polite. He would like us
Casual relationships with people leave us unsatisfied because they have neither depth nor the capability of enduring hardship. What does that say about a casual
Identity may be the most important aspect of our humanity, both as individuals and as people. That must be why our adversary takes so much
Is time an enemy, a friend, or a measure by which we gauge the value of our lives? If there is no eternity to consider,
Which is better: to see a person healed, or to help them bear up under constant suffering when the healing doesn’t come? Job 31:1-40; Ezekiel
We might smile at Jonah’s predicament in the great fish, but is there a lesson in that bigger-than-life tale that we might have overlooked? 2
It seems that all humanity has longed for an end to war and conflict. God promises a time when we won’t learn war anymore, but
Sometimes it takes extreme measures to get God’s people to switch their focus from seeking peace in their current circumstances to seeking the Creator’s intent
No one wants to be like a dragon. That is, we don’t admit – at least publicly – that a dragon is our role model.
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