Good Cows and Bad Cows
We can’t escape evil. It’s a constant feature in this fallen world. Whether it’s the evil inclinations inside us, or the evil circumstances around us,
We can’t escape evil. It’s a constant feature in this fallen world. Whether it’s the evil inclinations inside us, or the evil circumstances around us,
This coming week, 22-28 December 2024 (21-27 Kislev 5785), the Bible reading plan covers Miketz (At the End of) and Chanukah. 22 Dec Genesis 41:1-14
Everyone enjoys a good story. Some of the best stories are in the Bible. In fact, the stories of the Bible, most of which are
This coming week, 10-16 December 2023 (27 Kislev-4 Tevet 5784), the Bible reading plan covers Miketz (At the End of) & Chanukah. 10 Dec
We are quick to proclaim that we can do all things in Messiah Yeshua, and that our God provides for all our needs, but do
This coming week, December 18-24 2022 (24-30 Kislev), the Bible reading plan covers the portion Miketz (At the End of) and Chanukah. 18 Dec Genesis
There is a kind of peace that surpasses all understanding. That kind of peace is linked inextricably with identity. Is that why the enemy of
This coming week, November 28-December 4 (24-30 Kislev 5782), the Bible reading plan covers the portion Miketz (At The End Of) and Chanukah. 28 Nov
This coming week, December 13-19 (27 Kislev-4 Tevet), the Bible reading plan covers the following portions. Miketz (At the End of) & Chanukah 13 Dec
מִקֵּץ There are occasions when a story so compelling meets with a portrayal so moving and produces an effect so profound that it leaves the
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