Weekly Bible Reading for May 2-8: Behar (On the Mount) & Bechukotai (In My Statutes)
This coming week, May 2-8 2021 (21-28 Iyar), the Bible reading plan covers the following portions. Behar (On the Mount); Bechukotai (In My Statutes) 02
This coming week, May 2-8 2021 (21-28 Iyar), the Bible reading plan covers the following portions. Behar (On the Mount); Bechukotai (In My Statutes) 02
This coming week, April 25-May 1 2021 (14-20 Iyar), the Bible reading plan covers the following portions. Emor (Say) 25 April – 1 May
This coming week, April 18-24 2021 (6-13 Iyar), the Bible reading plan covers the following portions. Achrei Mot (After the Death); Kedoshim (Holy Ones) 18
This coming week, April 4-10 2021 (29 Nisan-5 Iyar), the Bible reading plan covers the following portions. Tazria (Leprosy); Metzora (The Leper) 11 Apr Leviticus
This coming week, April 4-10 2021 (22-28 Nisan), the Bible reading plan covers the following portions. Matzot (Unleavened Bread) & Shmini (Eighth) 04 Apr Deuteronomy
This coming week, March 21-27 2021 (8-14 Nisan), the Bible reading plan covers the following portions. Tzav (Command)[1] 21 Mar Leviticus 6:8-18 Ezra 4:1-5:17 John
This coming week, March 14-20 2021 (1-7 Nisan), the Bible reading plan covers the following portions. Vayikra (He called) 14 Mar Leviticus 1:1-13 2 Chronicles
Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His godly ones. (Psalm 116:15 NASB) © Albert J. McCarn and The Barking Fox Blog, 2017. Permission
Those who have leprosy might as well be dead. Never mind that the disease we call leprosy today may or may not be one of
Super Bowl LI has passed into the history books as one of the greatest games of the series. It ranks as that in my opinion,
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