Weekly Bible Reading for September 18-24: Nitzavim (You Are Standing)
This coming week, September 18-24 (22-28 Elul 5782), the Bible reading plan covers the portion Nitzavim (You Are Standing). 18 Sep Deuteronomy 29:10-12 Hosea 12:1-14:9
This coming week, September 18-24 (22-28 Elul 5782), the Bible reading plan covers the portion Nitzavim (You Are Standing). 18 Sep Deuteronomy 29:10-12 Hosea 12:1-14:9
How do we evaluate dreams and visions? Like everything else, we test them to Scripture. There is no question that God sends these Divine communications
A continuous source of amazement for me is the fact that many of the men and women who have contributed substantially to my spiritual growth
If Almighty God is not limited by death, why should we suppose He is limited by time? © Albert J. McCarn and The Barking Fox Blog, 2016-17.
עֵקֶב What is this tendency of human minds to discard unpleasant things and cling to what is pleasant, nice, and amusing? This can be useful
חֻקַּת Is it possible to be a hero without paying a price? A hero is one who does something worthy of esteem on behalf of
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TO SURVIVE THE COMING NIGHT Is the Apocalypse Nigh? If this truly is the beginning of the end of this age, then we should expect
Seriously, how does the possibility that we may be at the end of this age affect the way you live each day? Notice I said
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