Today I Am A Hebrew: An Address to the B’ney Yosef North America Summit
Those who have attended a birth understand the chaos involved. It is no easy process, and not accomplished without pain. As in everything else, the
Those who have attended a birth understand the chaos involved. It is no easy process, and not accomplished without pain. As in everything else, the
There is this problem among the people of God: the expectation that He will come along and fix everything that is wrong in the world
Followers of The Barking Fox may have noticed the frequent appearance of illustrations by the French artist Jacques Joseph Tissot (1836-1902), better known in English as James
Language is a perilous thing. It can unite us, but quite often it does the opposite. That, by the way, was God’s intent. We know
On December 4, 2015, the B’Ney Yosef Region 35 Conference convened at Camp Copass in Denton, Texas, for the purpose of bringing together people in
If Treasure Island is any indication, a young person’s transition to adulthood has always been awkward and painful. At least it was so in the
Pompous people lend themselves so readily to ridicule. Unconsciously, of course. By their very nature they would not stoop to the indignity of common humor
Great art retains its appeal through time. This is true even with works created for children – including cartoons such as The Rocky and Bullwinkle
One of those songs I recall singing in church as a youth begins like this: Seek ye first the kingdom of God And His righteousness;
The Barking Fox just completed the annual Torah Cycle and is ready to embark on another year of Bible commentary. Rather than embark on another
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