Give Me [insert desired location] Or I Die
In the midst of our busy daily lives, does it ever occur to us that God intends for us to be His agents of change?
In the midst of our busy daily lives, does it ever occur to us that God intends for us to be His agents of change?
How exclusive is God’s family? Does He limit membership only to people of proper pedigree, or does He impart that pedigree to anyone who seeks
We claim to be standing on the promises of God, but do we know what promises we are claiming? Where do we find them? Are
It’s amazing how quickly and completely we can give our hearts to a significant other, or to a worthy cause greater than ourselves. It’s equally
This coming week, September 18-24 (22-28 Elul 5782), the Bible reading plan covers the portion Nitzavim (You Are Standing). 18 Sep Deuteronomy 29:10-12 Hosea 12:1-14:9
Did you ever consider that human beings are simultaneously the oppressed and the oppressors, the beloved and the reprobate, the Creator’s handiwork and the Adversary’s
via The Jubilee Generation! – B’ney Yosef North America [Editor’s note: Ever since Yeshua ascended to the Father, Christians have kept their eyes on the
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