Will I ever be enough for you, Israel?
Somewhere in the prophets, just before God talks about the terrible things that happen when Israel is attacked in the Last Days and Messiah comes
Somewhere in the prophets, just before God talks about the terrible things that happen when Israel is attacked in the Last Days and Messiah comes
One generation ago, on January 27, 1945, the Red Army liberated the Polish town of Oświęcim. The world has come to know that town not by
When Empires Die was originally published June 28-July 28, 2014, as a six-part series. The original six part format is accessible here. I. THE ROAD TO
TO SURVIVE THE COMING NIGHT Is the Apocalypse Nigh? If this truly is the beginning of the end of this age, then we should expect
THE LAST SUMMER OF THE WORLD A Matter of Life and Death In truth God has placed the choice of life or death in front
BABYLON AT THE ABYSS The Not-So-New World Order What are we to make of the upheaval happening around us in this centennial summer since World
WHAT HAS BEEN DONE WILL BE DONE AGAIN Nothing Lasts Forever But the Earth and Sky My link to World War I is my grandfather,
TOD UND VERKLÄRUNG (Death and Transfiguration) This is the second in a series on World War I and its parallels with our current times. After a
THE ROAD TO SARAJEVO This is the first in a series on World War I and its parallels with our current times. After a review
On January 18, 1997, I had opportunity to visit the death camp at Auschwitz. This is the story of that visit. I publish it now
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