Fox Byte #21: Pretend Soldiers
Now we come to something very important. We should want to produce “good fruit” and store up treasure in heaven, but just doing good things
Now we come to something very important. We should want to produce “good fruit” and store up treasure in heaven, but just doing good things
Every one of us requires correction now and then. This timely word from fellow Hebrew Roots blogger K. Gallagher at Grace in Torah serves as
Why do we follow God? When we get alone, away from people who expect us to be good disciples of Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus Christ), and
If we are to take Yeshua at His word, then His expectations of us to produce “good fruit” means that somehow we are to store
What kind of good fruit does Yeshua expect His followers to produce? The kind that produces lasting change for good. That’s what He meant when
Running with the Marines Long-distance running has been one of my favorite activities. I am not too old to try a marathon one day, but
Let’s look some more into this question of God wanting to kill you. Am I serious about that? Yes, deadly serious. God Himself is deadly
What’s the point of Yeshua giving us this example of how to die? Why would He teach the world how to be humble by letting
One big problem people have with this being saved thing is that it just seems too easy. They think, “You mean that’s all I have
Do you believe God really wants us to be reconciled with Him – to be friends with Him again? And do you really believe that
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