Bechukotai: Why Would God Curse His People? – AlephBeta
Is it possible that Jews could teach Christians about the Bible? Could Jews even teach Christians something about their own theology? If Christians have the
Is it possible that Jews could teach Christians about the Bible? Could Jews even teach Christians something about their own theology? If Christians have the
Let’s see what we have so far: Some super-powerful being named God made the universe and everything in it. Every human being has a choice
Fox Byte #4 examined how our ancestors in the Garden of Eden chose to educate themselves on the knowledge of good and evil rather than get
Continuing from Fox Byte #3, what did our ancestors gain from eating fruit that made them super smart? If Adam and Eve were made “in the
Continuing from Fox Byte #2, how do we learn what God’s definition of order is? How do we learn anything? Reading is a good way to
To build on the Fox Byte #1, let’s assume that you decide you do believe this Supreme Being made the universe and everything in it. Now
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