Shaky Ground
We all chafe under what we perceive as overbearing leaders. Sometimes they really are overbearing, but sometimes it’s simply our resentment of and resistance against
We all chafe under what we perceive as overbearing leaders. Sometimes they really are overbearing, but sometimes it’s simply our resentment of and resistance against
It seems that all humanity has longed for an end to war and conflict. God promises a time when we won’t learn war anymore, but
How fractured is humanity? The Scripture record says we have been fighting one another from the very beginning. Will we ever get over that and
Running with the Marines Long-distance running has been one of my favorite activities. I am not too old to try a marathon one day, but
Let’s see what we have so far: Some super-powerful being named God made the universe and everything in it. Every human being has a choice
Fox Byte #4 examined how our ancestors in the Garden of Eden chose to educate themselves on the knowledge of good and evil rather than get
Building to the Specifications So how do we avoid the sin of Cain? We do that by learning what God wants. And where do we
The Truth About Heavenly Rewards Hopefully by now you understand that our eternal reward for trusting Jesus is not sitting around in heavenly comfort, but
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