Counting the Omer 5779/2019 #20
Counting the Omer is keeping the commandment to count 50 days (seven Sabbaths plus one day) between the offering of the first fruits of the
Counting the Omer is keeping the commandment to count 50 days (seven Sabbaths plus one day) between the offering of the first fruits of the
Counting the Omer is keeping the commandment to count 50 days (seven Sabbaths plus one day) between the offering of the first fruits of the
Counting the Omer is keeping the commandment to count 50 days (seven Sabbaths plus one day) between the offering of the first fruits of the
The Lord’s controversy with the House of Israel as proclaimed by the Prophet Hosea includes this charge: I have written for him the great things
Last week a reader asked a very important question. It is so important that I want to share it: A friend introduced me to your
נֹחַ Darren Aronofsky made a valiant effort to tell the story of Noah in a fashion worthy of Hollywood. His 2014 film, starring Russell Crowe
בְרֵאשִׁת This is the first Shabbat (Sabbath) of a new Torah cycle. Each year, Jews and Messianic believers in Yeshua go through the Torah (the
Following Yeshua really is a matter of the heart. No matter what we say we believe, we will only do what is in our hearts.
Now we come to something very important. We should want to produce “good fruit” and store up treasure in heaven, but just doing good things
If we are to take Yeshua at His word, then His expectations of us to produce “good fruit” means that somehow we are to store
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