Bible Commentary
Shaky Ground
We all chafe under what we perceive as overbearing leaders. Sometimes they really are overbearing, but sometimes it’s simply our resentment of and resistance against
We all chafe under what we perceive as overbearing leaders. Sometimes they really are overbearing, but sometimes it’s simply our resentment of and resistance against
Which is better: to be right, or to keep a relationship? We can choose an answer now, but it’s likely to be the wrong one
Life is an endless series of negotiations. Children and parents negotiate their relationships and boundaries, business partners negotiate contracts, social organizations negotiate bylaws, and nations
This coming week, June 26-July 2 (27 Sivan-3 Tammuz 5782), the Bible reading plan covers the portion Korach (Korah). 26 Jun Numbers 16:1-13 Jeremiah 15:1-16:21
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