When We Take Off Our Armor
If God declares the end from the beginning, then we should have a good idea what to expect before the end of this age if
If God declares the end from the beginning, then we should have a good idea what to expect before the end of this age if
It’s easy to think about the wrath of God being poured out on unrepentant sinners, but what does God do about unrepentant saints? Exodus 35:1-38:20;
Our Messiah is building His Kingdom with people who are both willing contributors and people of vision. That’s because those who lack one or the
God knew what He was doing when He established a single standard for good and instructed our first ancestors to abide by it. All the
This coming week, February 27-March 5 (26 Adar I-2 Adar II 5782), the Bible reading plan covers the portion Pekudei (Accounts). 27 Feb Exodus 38:21-39:1
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