Book Review: T.S. 44 – The Button Tree Prophet, by William Spires
One of those unfortunate traits of any generation is the tendency to ignore our elders. Those who take time to talk with and listen to
One of those unfortunate traits of any generation is the tendency to ignore our elders. Those who take time to talk with and listen to
One of these days, the people of God will be amazed to learn that any power Satan retains is only that which God allows him
Connecting the dots in Scripture can be lots of fun – and challenging. The fun part is the “Aha!” moment when something finally makes sense.
This is a season of reflection at The Barking Fox. Part of the reason is getting settled at last in our new home in North Carolina.
Language is a perilous thing. It can unite us, but quite often it does the opposite. That, by the way, was God’s intent. We know
What is the purpose of a covenant if the parties in it do not keep their ends of the agreement? The parties enter into a
רְאֵה It is understandable why Peter Jackson had to take considerable license with The Lord of the Rings when he brought J.R.R. Tolkien’s mammoth work
עֵקֶב What is this tendency of human minds to discard unpleasant things and cling to what is pleasant, nice, and amusing? This can be useful
וָאֶתְחַנַּן Left to right: Vittorio Orlando (Italy), David Lloyd George (Great Britain), Georges Clemenceau (France), Woodrow Wilson (United States).In a sense one might say that
אֱמֹר At some point between the withdrawal of Rome’s legions in 410 CE and the advent of Saxon England in the 6th Century, a Celtic
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