SC National Shabbat Details!!
For friends in the Southeast, here is another opportunity to gather with brethren who are taking YHVH seriously about His promise to regather and restore
For friends in the Southeast, here is another opportunity to gather with brethren who are taking YHVH seriously about His promise to regather and restore
One of the best things about blogging is connecting with people from all over the world. This week I had the pleasure of meeting via
One of those songs I recall singing in church as a youth begins like this: Seek ye first the kingdom of God And His righteousness;
וְזֹאת הַבְּרָכָה Even superheroes have their weaknesses. If it were not so, the stories about them would be over very quickly and would not be
הַאְַזִינוּ The one element of Steven Spielberg’s movies which has remained just beneath my consciousness for nearly thirty years is not his stunning cinematography or
נִצָּבִים The worst fate a person can endure? That would be loss of self. It is not the same as selflessness, a desirable state of
רְאֵה It is understandable why Peter Jackson had to take considerable license with The Lord of the Rings when he brought J.R.R. Tolkien’s mammoth work
עֵקֶב What is this tendency of human minds to discard unpleasant things and cling to what is pleasant, nice, and amusing? This can be useful
וָאֶתְחַנַּן Left to right: Vittorio Orlando (Italy), David Lloyd George (Great Britain), Georges Clemenceau (France), Woodrow Wilson (United States).In a sense one might say that
מַּטּוֹת / מַסְעֵי William Shakespeare has such as way with murder. With so many characters meeting violent death in his plays it would seem that
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