The Grand Delusion, American Style
One of my first papers in graduate school proposed a rational solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict. That was in 1986, before it became fashionable to
One of my first papers in graduate school proposed a rational solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict. That was in 1986, before it became fashionable to
How do we evaluate dreams and visions? Like everything else, we test them to Scripture. There is no question that God sends these Divine communications
Here’s an astounding thought from my Australian friend Margot Crossing. Dangerous things happen when YHVH’s people begin to take Him seriously and believe He will
If most of the events prophesied in the book of Revelation had already taken place, would we live our lives differently? That is the question
Thinking is hard. If it were not hard, then more people would do it. In truth, all of us prefer to remain in our comfort
The Bible contains so many comforting words of assurance that everything will be all right in the end. It contains a number of frightening words
Mr. Kerry is probably more right than he realizes. © Albert J. McCarn and The Barking Fox Blog, 2016-17. Permission to use and/or duplicate original material on The
What happened at the United Nations last Friday, December 23? That has been the topic of many conversations over the past few days as news of
While the world slept, plans went forward to divide the land God reserved as His own special place (Deuteronomy 11:10-12). © Albert J. McCarn and The Barking
A continuous source of amazement for me is the fact that many of the men and women who have contributed substantially to my spiritual growth
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