Content & Publication Schedule
What The Barking Fox has been in operation since December 2013, and some of the pieces you’ll see were originally drafted many years earlier. That means this blog reflects the evolution of my thought on biblical subjects (including biblically-rooted analysis of current events) over about two decades. Refinements in learning, perspective, and understanding happen constantly, and from time to time that means it is best to remove or update posts, often in the interest of correcting my own errors, and even more often in the interest of removing content that seemed good at the time, but which I have come to regard as uncharitable (that’s a polite term for “rude, offensive, and potentially libelous”). This is especially true regarding articles that portray others in the covenant community of Israel (Jews and Christians of all streams) in a less-than-positive light. If I have learned anything over these years, it is that God alone determines who is in His Kingdom, and therefore I have no interest in casting stones at any brother or sister simply because we disagree.