The Lord began to call Al and his family into the Messianic Hebrew Roots movement in 2001 as part of the bridge He is building to bring together Jews and Christians based on their common faith in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and belief on His Word. (There’s a whole blog post about that story: “Not Satisfied with Half the Picture: My Quest for Truth Beyond Tradition.”) The desire of Al’s heart is to see the restoration of the Commonwealth of Israel through the uniting of Jews and and Ephraimites (non-Jewish Israelites of Gentile background) into the long-awaited One New Man (Ephesians 2:11-18).
In childhood Al understood his calling as a warrior, and in 1983 embarked on a career of nearly 30 years as a Military Intelligence officer with the United States Army. Along the way he earned his undergraduate degree in Russian and German at Florida State University, and graduate degrees in International Relations at the University of Southern California, and in History at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. He served in a variety of assignments in Europe, the Continental United States, and the Middle East. Al is a veteran of both wars with Iraq, having served with the 24th Infantry Division (Mechanized) during Operation Desert Storm in 1990-91, and with the Multinational Force-Iraq in Baghdad in 2008-09. Nearly a third of his military career has been in Washington, DC, in assignments on the Army Staff at the Pentagon and with the National Intelligence Community. His final assignment was as the Defense Department’s Intelligence Liaison to the Drug Enforcement Administration.
After retiring from the Army in 2012, Al found opportunity to transition into ministry. Since 2008 he has provided commentary on the Middle East and the U.S. military to inform the prayers of intercessors connected with the Saturday morning national conference call hosted by Prayer Surge NOW. In 2012-13 he served on staff with Healing Tree International, coordinating the ministry’s international work in the Middle East, and from 2013-15 served the public as a history interpreter at the Alamo, one of America’s most recognizable landmarks. In 2015 he published his first book, Give Me A Place Where I My Dwell: An Ephraimite Affirmation, and in that same year he became a broadcaster with Hebrew Nation Radio. Together with Mike Clayton, Barry Phillips, and Hanoch Young, he co-hosted The Remnant Road, Hebrew Nation’s Monday morning show, from 2015-2018.
In March 2016, Al became a founding member of B’ney Yosef North America (BYNA), an organization established in faith that this generation will see the fulfillment of Ezekiel 37:19. Al’s association with BYNA has created opportunities to build bridges between the Christian and Jewish worlds in the interest of seeing the final redemption of Israel and the nations comes to pass as God has promised. A major outreach in that effort is Ten From the Nations (formerly Nations’ 9th of Av), a Christian initiative to educate the church about Christian persecution of the Jewish people throughout history, and join with Jewish partners to redeem that history and transform the future of Christian-Jewish relations. Al has been part of the Ten From the Nations team since 2019, and has joined with them to facilitate a weekly prayer watch focused on Israel and the Jewish people through the Altar of Prayer.
Al and Charlayne live in Rock Hill, South Carolina, along with their dog, Blue. They are actively involved in their community through their church, Founded in Truth Fellowship, and through Fostering the Family, a Christian ministry dedicated to raising care communities in churches to support foster and adoptive families in the Carolinas.
3 Responses
Thank you for your service to Our Commander in Chief first and foremost, and thank you as well for your service to your country and to the men and women you served along side of! I am a current reserve chaplain in the Royal Canadian Navy and I always want to show proper appreciation to the men and women who serve on the front lines- thank you very much and may YHWH continue to bless you and your family!
Brandon (EsseRealis)
Thank you, Brandon. Thanks also for your service as well to Canada and to our King. All my experiences with Canada’s military have been positive. You have a fine tradition on all branches of your service and it is an honor to call you comrades. Thanks especially for your sacrifice of love in ministry not only to Canada’s sailors, but to the Body of Messiah. I married a Chaplain’s daughter and thus have a great appreciation for what you do. May YHWH continue to grant you His shalom and wisdom in ever greater measure.
Dear Brother Al,
I thank you for all you have done to keep us all safe. God bless you Man of God. I thank you so much for the opportunity to share at the conference coming very soon. I find myself praying very diligently for a very important and wonderful move of our Sweet LORD. I have I think contacted all the other speakers and let them know my phone number. MY wife, Sheral and me are so looking forward to meeting you and what GOD has for all of us. Peace to you dear brother and if I may be of assistance please be free to call. I did see your message about making copies and I don’t have a fix for that but praying for the answer.