Kevin Jessip: From Repentance to Reformation, part 1

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Everyone probably knows a pastor or ministry leader, and everyone knows a successful business owner. It’s likely that everyone has met a government consultant at some point. Those who meet Kevin Jessip have met all of those in one person – and they’ve also met a former gang member! Kevin comes from a long line of pastors, so it’s no surprise that he had a divine call on his life from birth. In this five part interview, we’ll hear how he was walked out that calling, starting with how redemption found him when he was a troubled youth.

Kevin’s story is one of redemption, reconciliation, and restoration. That’s the topic Barry and David address in their midrash called Reconciliation or Restoration, and what the Aleph Tav Band and Mason Clover sing about in their musical offerings.

To learn more about Kevin’s ministry connections, check out these websites:


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