Revis Daggett: The Shadow of the Inquisition, part 5

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There’s an interesting prophecy from Obadiah that is becoming relevant in our day:

The exiles of Jerusalem, who are in Sepharad,
will possess the cities of the Negev.

Obadiah 1:20b

Sepharad is the Hebrew name for Spain, and the origin of the name for Sephardic Jews who trace their ancestry to Spain and Portugal. Many of those Jewish families have returned to Israel already, which makes this prophecy relevant, but there are others still in the Diaspora – many of whom have forgotten their Jewish heritage. Revis Daggett and others like her are working to change that! In this concluding part of our conversation, Revis shares her thoughts on how Hidden Jews and other “Hidden Hebrews” might be identified through cultural elements, and what this means for God’s plans to redeem all Israel and the nations. 

Israel is invincible, of course, thanks to the Covenant of our redeeming God. However, there are ways the people of the Covenant have sabotaged themselves through the ages. That’s what Barry and David talk about in, “No Curse Against Israel.” What’s the answer? Remember who our God is, and who we are in Him, as we hear in the music of Laura Metzing and Lenny & Varda

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