Susanne Ratcliffe: Stones of Wrath – Israel’s Tribes in Cultural Context, part 3

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What is the historical basis for the migration of Israel’s tribes into Europe – and especially the migrations of Dan into Denmark, the country that bears the tribe’s name? That premise is foundational to Susanne Ratcliffe’s novel, Stones of Wrath: The Tapestry. In this final segment of our interview, Susanne discusses what is known about the migrations of the Ten Tribes, and how the story she weaves is grounded in archaeology, historical record, and cultural memory extending back many centuries. 

At the most basic level, Stones of Wrath is a historical fiction series built on the identity of many peoples whose roots include an Israelite, or Hebrew, connection. That reality is what makes the Bible even more relevant to us all because it is our collective history that we share with the Jewish people of Israel. We hear something of this in the music of House of Aaron and Laura Metzing. It’s also an important component in the discussion by Barry Phillips and David Jones that they call, “Honey on the Ground.”

Check out Susanne’s website at

Stones of Wrath: The Tapestry is available on

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