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We talk a lot about the “signs of the times” so we can be ready for Messiah’s return. That’s a good thing, but shouldn’t we also be talking about what happens after that?

Leviticus 6:8-8:36; Jeremiah 7:21-8:3, 9:23-24; Isaiah 56:6-7; Zechariah 14:20-21; Mark 11:15-17; Romans 9:14-26; Revelation 21:22-27

Click here to download a transcript of this podcast: Holy Trash Cans

Music: “Holy Are You Lord,” Mason Clover, Perception, Abiron 2019. Visit to hear more by Mason Clover.

Photo by Scott Beale / The Laughing Squid, June 26, 2009, via Flickr.

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