Mourning the Wicked:

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Israel’s war against Hamas has raised age-old questions in the hearts of God’s people, both Jewish and Christian. Is there such a thing as a “just war,” even if the enemy is obviously inspired by demonic wickedness at the highest levels? Is warfare, even against such an enemy, a contradiction of our calling to be people of peace and ministers of reconciliation? How do we deal with the inevitable harm and death inflicted on the innocent? What is the difference between “war in the Spirit” and “war in the natural”? Do we go to battle in both realms? How does one support the other, if at all? And, perhaps most uncomfortable of all is the question, “How do we eradicate this wickedness without creating another generation of terrorists?” There is no simple, satisfying answer to any of these questions, but we must wrestle with them.

This message was presented at Founded in Truth Fellowship in Rock Hill, South Carolina, on October 21, 2023. 

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