Weekly Bible Reading For April 30-May 6: Emor (Say)

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This coming week, April 30-May 6 (9-15 Iyar), the Bible reading plan covers Emor (Say).

30 Apr Leviticus 21:1-15 Job 20:20-21:34 Acts 14:11-28 Proverbs 22:24-29
01 May Leviticus 21:16-22:16 Job 22:1-23:17 Acts 15:1-21 Psalm 84:1-12
02 May Leviticus 22:17-33 Job 24:1-26:14 Acts 15:22-41 Psalm 85:1-13
03 May Leviticus 23:1-22 Job 27:1-28:28 Acts 16:1-24 Proverbs 23:1-11
04 May Leviticus 23:23-32 Job 29:1-30:23 Acts 16:25-17:9 Proverbs 23:12-18
05 May Leviticus 23:33-44 Job 30:24-31:40 Acts 17:10-34 Proverbs 23:19-25
06 May Leviticus 24:1-23 Ezekiel 44:15-31 Acts 18:1-23 Proverbs 23:26-30

The complete annual Bible reading plan for 2022-23 (Hebrew year 5783) is available at this link:

Image: Thomas McEwen, Reading the Bible, 1890, Russell-Cotes Art Gallery & Museum

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