If the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel do exist, shouldn’t they start returning to Israel now that God’s Covenant Nation is back in the Promised Land? As we hear in this full length interview with Margot Crossing, the answer is, “Yes, they do exist, and yes they are starting to return!” That’s the motivation for the prophetic initiative she calls “Ten in Ten,” which invites peoples from around the globe to retrace the steps of the tribes back to Jerusalem in fulfillment of prophecy. As she shares the concept of this initiative, listen with your heart and spirit, and ask the Lord is this is an invitation you would want to accept!
To learn more about Margot Crossing’s research into the Lost Tribes of Israel, visit her blog and other resources at the following links:
- Lost Tribes Found Blog: https://losttribesfoundblog.wordpress.com/
- Lost Tribes Found on Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/LostTribesFound
- Margot’s page at Independent Academia: https://independent.academia.edu/MargotCROSSING
To learn more about the Ten in Ten initiative, and about the Mizo people and other Lost Book Peoples mentioned in the interview, check out these documents: