The problem with offenses is not that they happen, because offenses are simply part of our existence. The problem comes with the responses. Hopefully the one who is offended will forgive, eventually, but what about the offender? What could he or she do, not only to minimize offenses, but to minimize the damage when offense inevitably happens?
Genesis 37:1-40:23; Amos 2:6-3:8; Judges 21:25; Romans 12:16-18; James 4:1-12
This coming week, 9-15 February 2025 (11-17 Shevat 5785), the Bible reading plan covers Yitro (Jethro). 09 Feb Exodus 18:1-12 2 Kings 17:1-41 Luke 14:1-24
What’s Right In My Brother’s Eyes
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The problem with offenses is not that they happen, because offenses are simply part of our existence. The problem comes with the responses. Hopefully the one who is offended will forgive, eventually, but what about the offender? What could he or she do, not only to minimize offenses, but to minimize the damage when offense inevitably happens?
Genesis 37:1-40:23; Amos 2:6-3:8; Judges 21:25; Romans 12:16-18; James 4:1-12
Music: “Man of Sorrows,” Celtic Worship, Homeward, Integrity Music 2019. See the official video at Celtic Worship’s music is available at
Click here to download a transcript of this podcast: What’s Right In My Brother’s Eyes.pdf
Photo by Matthew Hale, January 13, 2009, via Flickr.
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