Light Up the Church in Solidarity with Israel

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Our Heavenly Father places a high priority on His people living at peace with one another. That’s why He inspired an entire psalm about brethren dwelling together in unity (Psalm 133), and why the gospels teach us to be reconciled with people who have something against us before presenting our gifts to God (Matthew 5:23-24). That alone is reason for followers of Messiah Yeshua (Jesus Christ) to take a look at our history and see where offenses have occurred that bring division among the people of God and dishonor to His holy Name.

The Shoa, or Holocaust, is perhaps the greatest cause of division and dishonor between Christians and Jews. That’s why it is a heavenly priority to remember it and do what we can to make things right. We can never replace the tremendous losses, but we can stand with the Jewish people and the nation of Israel in remembrance. Light Up the Church is one way, as you learn in this short video:

Starting in the late hours of November 9, 1938, and continuing throughout the next day, Nazi mobs torched and vandalized hundreds of synagogues throughout Germany and damaged, and often completely destroyed, thousands of Jewish homes, schools, businesses, hospitals and cemeteries. Nearly 100 Jews were murdered during the violence, which came to be viewed as the prelude to the Final Solution and the murder of six million Jews during the Holocaust.

How can one commemorate one of the worst atrocities known to mankind?

On Wednesday night, November 9, 2022, we will mark the abhorrent night when the lights of Germany’s synagogues went dark in 1938 – Kristallnacht, the Night of the Broken Glass. In memory of this night and its countless victims, lights in churches and synagogues throughout the world will blaze all night long. Light shall replace darkness; Resurgence shall replace loss; Friendship shall replace destruction; Good will triumph over evil.

Christians will join Jews in this powerful statement:

The Jewish People will never be destroyed.

Please do not miss this event! Make sure that your church, ministry, business, home group, school, organization, or even private home is counted among the Christians who stand by their Jewish brethren worldwide by leaving the lights ON all night Wednesday night, November 9, 2022!

To learn more and to register, visit

Participation in Light Up The Church is free of charge (love offerings are graciously accepted.) Registrants are requested to submit a picture of their church (or other participating building) in the daylight upon registration, and a picture of it lit up on November 9. Pictures of your church will be posted on the Light Up the Church website.

Here’s another short video that explains why this simple gesture from Christians is so important to the Jewish people:

To learn more and to register, visit

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