Reunion Roadmap 8/27/2022 – Shaping A Pastor’s Heart: Dr. David Jones, part 3

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What brings the greatest joy to a pastor’s heart? Dr. David Jones shares that with us in this conclusion to our conversation. After three decades of ministry and many years as pastor of Ruach Ministries International, David has some understanding of that question. Knowledge of the Word of God is a big part of it, but, as he explains, knowledge means little if it’s not paired with love and humility. 

The theme of David’s interview carries over into the midrash he brings with Barry Phillips which they call, “Unity and Community,” and which Teshuva and Mason Clover present in their musical offerings.

To learn more about Ruach Ministries International, visit

You can also check out David Jones’ book, The Restoration and the Gifts of the Spirit, at

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