Reunion Roadmap 5/28/2022 – A Good Report from the Promised Land: Barbara Foerster, part 2

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How should we pray for Israel? Given the constant turmoil in the Holy Land, what should be the focus of our intercession?

That’s a question we asked Barbara Foerster during our conversation about her recent visit to Israel. This latest sojourn of five weeks in the Blessed Land covered Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread, as well as many interactions with new and old friends and Israelis of many different backgrounds. As you might expect, Barbara’s intimate knowledge of the land and people of Israel, and her heart of faith in Israel’s God, fill her answers with wisdom!

Our focus on Israel continues through the music of Teshuva and Mason Clover, and in the concluding segment of the midrash Barry Phillips and David Jones call, “Home.”

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