Pawns of Redemption

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BFB220101 Man Playing Chess
Man Playing Chess. Photo by Jarmoluk on

Is humanity nothing more than so many pawns in a cosmic game of chess between the powers of good and evil? Yes, and no. It’s true that we are the instruments of either good or evil (or both), and that we are the prizes sought by our Creator and our Adversary, but there is a key difference: unlike the pawns in our chess matches, we actually have a choice about which roles we play.

Exodus 6:2-9:35; Ezekiel 28:25-29:21; Matthew 6:5-13; 24:6; Luke 21:28; John 13:21-30; Romans 9:27-28; Revelation 11:15

Click here to listen to the podcast: Pawns of Redemption

Click here to download the transcript: Pawns of Redemption.pdf

Music: “Anitra’s Dance,” Peer Gynt Suite No. 1, Op. 46, III. “Anitra’s Dance,” Wiliam T. Strømberg, Edvard Grieg, Moscow Symphony Orchestra, Edvard Grieg Music to Henrik Ibsen Peer Gynt, Blikkboks Ltd 2018. 

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